Ria Blagburn

Adriel - Manage campaigns from 20+ ad channels under one dashboard


Can you confidently say that you have full control of every $ being spent on your online ads?
Adriel is a platform where you can monitor and control 20+ ad channels under one dashboard.
We help you maximize ROI and provide data in your favorite format.

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Soowon Sophie Eom
Hi Hunters, we're super excited to introduce Adriel on Product Hunt! Adriel provides all marketing services that small businesses and startups need but currently do not have access to because of the high minimum budget that marketing agencies require. Due to these barriers to entry, it is hard for small businesses to compete with large enterprises. Small businesses try Facebook Ad Manager or Google Adwords to run ads on those platforms, but we know a lot of them gave up because they found those tools too complicated and it's hard to manage multi-ads on multi-platforms. With Adriel, they don't have to visit different sites to create campaigns and see results. Here's a list of things Adriel can do: - Automatically run ads on multiple channels (Done: Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads; Coming-soon: Twitter, Linkedin, Amazon, Reddit, Yahoo Japan, etc.) - Automatically design campaign strategies including target audience profile, channel selection, budget amount, etc. - Automatically optimize campaign settings based on machine learning as we get more data while running the campaign - Automatically understand advertizers' marketing needs through a dynamic survey on a chatbot-like interface - Automatically make variations of ad creatives, such as banner images and text copies
@sophie_eom Needs a promo code to test it... Did I miss something?
Kevin Eum
@elizabethhunker Hi Elizabeth! You dont need to have a promo code to test it. If you have any question using Adriel, please feel free to ask questions anytime. You can click the chat button at the right bottom of our website.
Soowon Sophie Eom
@elizabethhunker If you're talking about "Referral Code" on our signup page, don't worry, you're not missing anything. It is just to track people who were referred by someone else. When you sign up and finish chatting with Adriel to create your first campaign, we put promotional credits directly to your Adriel account. For now we're giving $50 that you can spend advertising on Facebook, Instagram and Google!
Soowon Sophie Eom
@elizabethhunker Do you still have the same error? If yes, could you please report this via our intercom chat CS? Thank you!
Alon Keren
Seems like awesome AI work, but unfortunately I'm afraid to think about the quality of creative output this tool can yield. Copywriting and creative graphic design is for humans, imo.
Soowon Sophie Eom
@alon_keren Hello Alon, thanks for your comment. I DO agree with you, and we're not trying to be better than human designers (at least for now). We developed the AI creative design feature for those who are not designers themselves, and for those who cannot afford human designers - Small business owners, Startups, etc. :) And in 2-3 years, well, we'll see..
Mané Karen
@ani_hakobyan Check this out
Kevin Eum
@ani_hakobyan @mane_gharibyan Hi! If you have any questions about Adriel, feel free to ask!
Alon Keren
Wilhelm Bacher
Hey @sophie_eom, Adriel looks like a great product! Which platforms do you support? I'm guessing AdWords and Facebook?
Soowon Sophie Eom
Hi @will_bacher thanks for your comment! Yes you're right, Adriel posts ads on Google (Display and Search) and Facebook/Instagram. You only have to tell our system about your business ONCE and Adriel will automatically enter all necessary settings information on AdWords and Facebook Ad Manager with our own ad accounts. Eveyrthing's automatically done through APIs.
Abhay Nawathey
It appears to be a promising tool providing an extensive platform integration and intelligence required to push relevant Ads.
Soowon Sophie Eom
Hello @abhay_nawathey Thank you for your supportive comment!
Harry Strick
It looks like you've bought fake upvotes/have spam accounts upvoting, shady...
Soowon Sophie Eom
@harrystrick Hi Harry, thanks for your comment. I'm actually glad that you brought this up. 1) First of all, we NEVER BOUGHT fake upvotes or used spam accounts. What you suspect is, therefore, NOT TRUE. 2) You might have thought like that probably because there are a lot of upvotes from new users. To be honest, they are mostly people who already knew the team Adriel - Private beta testers, friends and other startup/small business owners. What we did was simply to 1) announce them Adriel is on Product Hunt 2) ask them to take a look at it and support us "if they like it and want to use it". As far as I know, announcing that we're on PH is totally something allowed to do. 3) Turned out that a lot of those people actually liked Adriel and shared the value we tried to make, and subscribed to PH to upvote for us. Hope it helps you. ps. I'm fine with any comment, but please keep in mind that the team has been working days and nights for our mission to provide a good service that helps a lot of people. What's important for us is to develop a great product, not to get many upvotes. Any constructive feedback, either positive/negative, that can actually help improve our product, will be welcomed
Matt Mansour
Manually creating Facebook and Google ads is a pain point worth solving. This is a area where a bot really adds value. Thanks for attacking this problem.
Soowon Sophie Eom
Hi @matt_mansour Thank you so much!! We wanted to solve this problem based on our first hand experience.
Kevin Eum
@matt_mansour Hello Matt. Thanks for your support! We also experienced the same issue ourselves and started this service to provide solution to this painpoint. Not only Adriel automates the online marketing process, but it also improves the performance with machine learning. Always welcome to visit our website and give it a try!
Soowon Sophie Eom
Also, thank you so much Ria for hunting Adriel!
Sarah Evans
Love the concept of this! I want to see how effective it is on the Facebook side (we do all of our own creative and copy), but need support on finding ideal audiences, interests and finding the sweet “spend” spot. If you can help with that you’re a winner in my book. Running so many campaigns right now and want to give this a test drive! Can’t wait to learn more about you all.
Kevin Eum
@prsarahevans Hi Sarah! Thanks for your comment and I have a great news! Adriel's machine learning based engine not only helps you create custom audience, keywords and auidence interests, it also recommends you media budget allocation. Plus over time, it optimizes the marketing plan to maximize your ads' performance. Too good to be true? Come to our website and give it a try!😀
Soowon Sophie Eom
Hi @prsarahevans Thank you for your comment. Sounds like you're exactly our target user! Please sign up and test as much as you want :) If you have any questions, the whole team will be there to support you!
Brent Gaynor
@prsarahevans @kevineum does it optimize across channels? Does it make learning decisions based on where they are in journey and which channel is best at that point in time? How does it make the ads? Thanks!
Moohyug Ahn

Strongly recommend!


Really awsome product! lucky to know this :)


will figure it out and write later

Soowon Sophie Eom
Thank you Moohyug! 😉
Muzammil Kesrani
Seems like a great product. Just a quick question, do you guyz use you own Ad accounts for running ads?
Soowon Sophie Eom
@muzammilkesrani Hello! Thanks for the comment. Yes you're right, we use our own ad accounts to run ads. We dedicate one of our accounts per client and manage everything on their behalf. We do this way so that people who do not have adwords accounts / do not want to share facebook ad account details can still run ads easily, seamlessly, without hassle.
Muzammil Kesrani
@sophie_eom So if in future say customer wants to do it by themselves, will you transfer ownership? or they have to start from scratch?
Soowon Sophie Eom
@muzammilkesrani We don't have exact policy yet regarding it, because most of our users want to let Adriel manage their campaigns. But we're open to providing more options if there are needs for them

Tested it and was very happy with the result. 5/5 stars


Does an amazing job! The pre-made ads are adjusted for each media and save you loads of time.


Some information unclear (e.g. file-type needed); the AI saves you a lot of time but you still have to adjust some things manually

Soowon Sophie Eom
Thank you so much for this feedback. We will improve the service based on your valuable review!
Satish Prakash Garg
Great user experience. Will host a Facebook campaign and see how it actually works. Amazing first impression though. :-)
Kevin Eum
@satishprakashgarg Thanks Satish! If you have any questions using our service, please feel free to contact our team.
Greg Coakley
Am I missing something, how does one get a promo code?
Kevin Eum
@musictriage Hi Greg! You dont need to have a promo code to try our service. In fact there is no fee when you try it now. So please visit our website and give it a try!
Soowon Sophie Eom
Hi @musictriage If you're talking about "Referral Code" on our signup page, don't worry, you're not missing anything. It is just to track people who were referred by someone else. When you sign up and finish chatting with Adriel to create your first campaign, we put promotional credits directly to your Adriel account. For now we're giving $50 that you can spend advertising on Facebook, Instagram and Google!
Interesting hunt. Would like to point out a "bug' On the site, I asked the bot about pricing and the bot's answer led to a page that does not exist. This was the question - Here is an article "about our pricing. How much does Adriel cost?" And I landed on https://intercom.help/adriel/art...
Soowon Sophie Eom
@traderdxb Thank you for reporting it to us, but I can't find the link you put in your comment... Could you please kindly let us know via our chat on https://adriel.com ?
Website Traffica
We love the site UI/UX, seems like a great product that would brings good value to advertiser, keep up the good work :)
Mustafa Bhatkar
I just released my app on the Playstore and found Adriel on PH. I am definitely giving it a try to advertise my app.
Soowon Sophie Eom
@mustafa_bhatkar Hello Mustafa, thank you for your comment! Adriel provides great services for mobile app developers.
Albert S.
@sophie_eom - Does your tool automatically create ad copy and captions?
Soowon Sophie Eom
@albert_somlith The tool crawls images and texts from your website and tries to find good phrases for your ads (i.e. appropriate text length for each ad platform, containing info about your product, etc.) so YES, the tool automatically creates a "draft" of ad creatives so that you don't have to start everything from scratch. To be honest, I wouldn't say what's created by the machine is better than human marketers' work but it definitely helps you save time. After you launch your campaign, your account manager (human!) will improve ad copies and images anyway.
@sophie_eom I love this service! I've always wondered why there was no better way to manage ads- there are so many Ad platforms it's often hard to keep track of managing them. I would love to interview you for my podcast. I talk with early stage founders about their startup journey, their product, and what they see on the horizon for their venture. Would you be open to connecting? Check out www.esent.co for more info / email dianna@esent.co or message here!
Soowon Sophie Eom
@esent @degasel_ Sure! Thank you for the offer. I will contact you.
@esent @sophie_eom Hey! Just wanted to reach out and see if we can connect- if it's easier, I can email you. Whats your address?