Michael Seibel

Alert Insights by Doctor Droid - Identify trends & bottlenecks from alerts, in seconds


Doctor Droid's Alert insights tool helps engineering teams improve their existing observability setup by sharing insights & trends from analysis of their Slack alert channels.

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Siddarth Jain
Hello Product Hunt Community! We are Siddarth & Dipesh -- cofounders of Doctor Droid. We're super excited to showcase Alert Insights by Doctor Droid! Tl;dr The tool helps you get insights & trends of most alerted components by analysing your alerts data in slack channels. Longer version: Backstory: We are currently working on R2-D2, an automated production diagnosis product but to get that rolling, we realised that a lot of our value is dependent on being able to automatically read alerts and make sense of identifying where they come from, what they are alerting about and what could be a likely actionable for that alert. Understanding that, we decided to double down on getting to the depth of alerts & what each alert meant. This curated data can help engineers & managers leverage data to get insights on the stability of different components at a higher level. We transformed this data into a LIVE dashboard with some key features: πŸͺ„ Identify most breaking components like databases, services, APIs, and more, ACROSS all tools. πŸ“Š Know the pattern of alerts and their frequency in different channels over the last few months ✌🏽 Deep integrations from different tools like Datadog, New Relic, Sentry, Metabase, Grafana, Cloudwatch, Google Cloud Monitoring, Honeybadger, and more. ✨ One click integration with your slack workspace If you're curious to get these insights about the stability and health of your system, from just your alerts, sign up here. https://drdroid.io/
Kostya Doronin
@sidphoenix Hello. Congratulations on the launch. Wishing you success in the development of your product.
Lukas RΓΌger
Very cool idea! So you're just reading Slack for now until you validated the idea, then you'll connect to the real systems, right? Sounds like a good MVP, congratulations!
Siddarth Jain
@lrueger Yes and no! πŸ˜… For this product, slack is enough -- we decided to double down on slack because Engineering teams have too many diverse tools and sometimes just covering top 4-5 tools also wouldn't provide the same insights; let alone the fact that now we can see them in parallel. For our next product, which is automated investigation of any issue, it's a slightly more accuracy sensitive use-case. We have already enabled integrations with Datadog, New Relic, Sentry, CloudWatch as those are more deterministic data APIs than slack! Hope that answers 😊
Mayoyo From saasuserboost.com
Hey Siddarth & Dipesh, Congratulations on the launch! The features of your LIVE dashboard showcase the comprehensive nature of your solution. The one-click integration with Slack makes it even more convenient for users. I'm keen to witness firsthand how Alert Insights can enhance health insights of systems through alerts. Best of luck with the journey!
Athul Suresh
this looks cool. I frequently get a lot of messages from sentry and Datadog on my slack but never been able to analyse and visualise all the alerts in one place. congrats on the launch folks!
Shalvin Kumar
Congratulations on the launch πŸ‘
Shahmir Faisal
Congrats on the launch Siddarth!
Abhilash Chowdhary
Cool stuff, team Alert Insights by Doctor Droid. Will try it out.