Chris Messina

AppToolkit SDK - Find your super users and engage with them!


AppToolkit SDK is a tool allowing developers to modify their app code and features on the fly without needing a resubmit and lets them identify and target their apps "super users" that use the app the most often. Easy to implement and infinite ways to use it.

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Ross Rojek
Thanks @chrismessina for the hunt. Hey all, so this is an important release for us. This SDK is the foundation of a bunch of new tools coming along. Up front it gives you two things: Cloud Config - this is an app dev's ability to edit their app in the cloud. we've been using it ourselves since LaunchKit released it and it was one of the main reasons we build We have a lot of apps in various states of development, and being able to hide new features until they're done and then turn them on without needing a resubmit is really helpful. Or being able to turn them off if a bug shows up. The Super User feature is baked into the SDK. Once you add it to your app and users start opening it, it starts giving you some great insights into usage. While it isn't analytics at it's core, it does give you data on how often your users are opening and using the app, and tags them so you can use them for engagement. Such as, instead of asking everyone for a review of your app, only trigger your request to your super users. They're your core users and more likely to give you a good review. Our internal data shows that they'll give 4-5 stars with a single prompt at the right time. I wrote this article on how app user segmentation is pretty easy to do with Super Users. Your first 1000 MAU are free, $1 per 1000 users after that. Let me know if you have any questions.
Paul Kemp
@sacbookreviewer editing apps in the cloud ☁️. Ross - you are on the path to making lots of the developers who listen to my podcast very happy 😊. Well done!