Yo Product Hunters!
I am one of the 2 creators of BeatSense.com.
"Yet another real-time playlist collaboration product..."
Well... besides being the richest and most complete playlist collaboration platform, BeatSense is the new way to consume online music!
Sound a bit too good huh? I would also raise my eyebrows if I were you.
Let me start by introducing ourselves.
BeatSense has been live for the last few months, a creation by Shlomi Sasson and myself.
Our vision was to create a music experience that will enable the discovery of new music in the best way - easily, freely and legally.
We also wanted to figure out the secret ingredient that will make this music experience more than just plug & play; we all agree that music is much more than that.
So we came up with BeatSense.com, and we wanted to THANK YOU ALL for supporting us!
Please, do not hesitate to share any feedback with us, either here, or using the "We Sense You" button at the bottom left of BeatSense.com.
So what makes us unique?
We believe that content and context are the kings, sharing a double seated throne.
So you join a room (BeatRoom) or create one yourself. Sharing & discovering new music, LIVE with your friends, co-workers and other music lovers (AKA Beatsters) around the world, as if you are physically in the same room.
You feedback to each other, chat with each other and share your ideas for world peace with each other.
We are using your finely tuned taste in music to create a crowd-generated content base.
This is where the magic happens.
BeatSense provides great value, also for the sole user. (Let’s admit it, not all of us like to share our tuneful moments with others). As a sole listener, all you have to do is join a BeatRoom, lay back, and let BeatSense do the music chores for you. It uses no magical algorithms (well, maybe a bit of that), but the crowd wisdom to play the optimal music for you.
And we’ve also got lots of other neat features, like 0 silent moments between songs, with the help of our (pretty magical) crossfade algorithm. The BeatBox, which is the place for you to store your favorite music. The buddy list, the score, the Beats and… ok ok, we will let you discover the rest by yourself.
So thank you again dear product hunters! Looking forward to your feedback!
We are waiting for you with some cold e-beers in the LIMBO room:
Party on!
Shlomi & Oren
@oren_yakobi It looks nice. Can we also expect an iOS app? I saw there is one for Android in the Google Play store already. The website looks nice. I also think the like/dislike feature is great and a must.
@pacorob Thanks Robin, there is an like/dislike (we call it upvote\downvote). Regarding iOS app, it's indeed in our road-map, but will probably require some funding before :)
Check out our new blog: blog.beatsense.com
We're also featured a music wiki, which you can access by clicking the (i) icon at the bottom right, when a song is being played.
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