Blockchain Demo 2.0 - A visual demo of the blockchain data structure
Blockchain Demo 2.0 is a visual demonstration of the blockchain data structure!
2.0 features:
💬 Built-in P2P Network
✨ 15+ New Topics & Explanations
🎨 Revamped Interface
🖥️ Source Code (
Forta Network
Forta Network
IMHO this is the best learning resource I've come across till now on blockchain technology. Everywhere else you have white papers and powerpoint videos with voiceovers pasted across internet, which are okay to follow, but hard to share with people who do not have enough time to consume them. I'm definitely going to share this with anyone who asks me about blockchain next time.
Pros:Amazing & descriptive walkthrough
Nice UI, which is easy on the eyes
The code examples are simple and help understand the concept fast
Cons:The current application like UI limits the purpose of demonstrating a concept, in comparison to say a diagrammatic user interface
Forta Network
Forta Network
When I was first starting out with learning about Blockchain the version 1.0 helped me a lot in visualising what it looked like. The version 2.0 improves upon it a lot. I recommed it to everyone new to Blockchains.
Pros:1. The interface is slick.
2. The demos are great.
3. It includes code so you can peak under the hood and see what's happening.
Cons:For the very beginners, introducing so many new concepts at one time, might be a overwhelming. So I'd suggest graduating from 1.0 first.
Forta Network
Forta Network
Forta Network
Forta Network
Forta Network
Forta Network
Tribe Games
Forta Network
A pedantic reader might object to the HASH properties on card (7):
1. Different data results in different hash -- while this is true in practice it's not guaranteed as Hash functions are, by definition, many-to-one.
2. Hash cannot be converted back to data -- this is an open theoretical question.
Pros:1. Simple description that captures the essence of block chain
2. UI was fresh
3. Toggle code fragments was nice
Cons:1. UX sometimes felt unnatural
2. Description of Hash will make pedants uneasy
Forta Network
Forta Network
Screensaver Ninja
Cut through the hype and learn what the blockchain is! It will be 15-30mins well spent.
Pros:Demystifies blockchain. Very easy to understand, doesn't require any technical knowledge. Also looks beautiful 😍.
Cons:None that I can think of
Jam Hunt
Blockchain Demo explains a complex technology in a user friendly way through a well thought set of steps. It's a nice online resource to direct your non technical friends if they want to understand the basics of blockchain.
Pros:Super ingenious and user friendly way to understand the basics of blockchain.
Cons:No cons
I thought this was an excellent primer on blockchain and how the technology works under the proverbial hood. Will be recommending this demo to other colleagues with a professional interest in blockchain architecture. Great job!
Pros:Very easy to understand as layman with some knowledge of blockchain as a concept. Good explanations on each step in the demo. UI easy