Simon Szczepankowski

Android Development Automation by Buddy - Continuous delivery for Android apps & Google Play

Buddy just added new tools for Android development making it a holistic automation platform for Android apps.

Build and ship your Android app on every push, after an approval, or on schedule. Buddy's powerful workflows let you handle any development stage & scenario.

Enjoy Hunters!

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Simon Szczepankowski
Hi Hunters, over the past several months we’ve been hard at work bringing Android support to Buddy. We would love for you to take a look and let us know what you think. Here is a guide how to get started with Buddy and Android Continuous Delivery: All and any feedback welcome, thanks!
Joshua Pinter
Your design is top notch. How does this compare with Bitrise?
Simon Szczepankowski
@joshuapinter Bitrise is a very good solution. I won't make it easier for you :) Try both and decide what works better for you, thanks!
Joshua Pinter
@simon_szczepankowski Maybe I will... maybe I will. :)