@adeolonoh Do you feel like Flock is effective for small teams? Our team is only 3 people. Tools, or processes like this, have always felt superfluous with such a small team, but I'm definitely in search of something lightweight that keeps us from being too comfortable in our communication. With being so small, and being remote, we can often get into our own rhythms rather than a team rhythm. Any thoughts/insights appreciated. Thanks!
@michaeltomko I'm personally using it on a small team, and find it to be really useful. Even though we chat throughout the day, the structure of Flock helps us 1) make sure we've each communicated the minimum of what we plan to work on today and 2) know that everyone else has seen it.
As you mentioned, it can be too easy to get into your own rhythm, and find most of your communication transactional. Flock helps take the burden off of stopping someone periodically to ask "hey, what're you working on?"
BTW, I've also found value personally just from the habit of writing down 1-3 things I want to accomplish each day. It sounds pretty simple, but it's very effective at helping me focus on the right things versus swimming in a long todo list throughout the day.
@adeolonoh Thanks for the thoughtful response. Here's to hoping that I can convince the others to use it. Interestingly, I think it is neat that you can use it with a team of one. It was a nice way to get my priorities straight for the day. Thanks again!
@adeolonoh First up, we adore Formstack and have been using it for many years at Tucows. As for Flock, we were just talking at Hover about how to streamline our standup to better suit the way we work. We're not a remote team, but the daily standup always felt disruptive for us because we all didn't start work at the same time in the morning. This looks like it might fit the bill for us nicely. Thanks for creating it!
Information shared in stand up meetings is among the most valuable things to be aware of for teams.
It's great to see tools like Flock that think about how to support remote teams that often are distributed among various time-zones making stand-ups not only physically challenging.
@__tosh Thanks Thomas! Agreed- even a time zone difference of a few hours really makes a big difference. In my experience, standups are most useful when done first thing in the day before you're in the zone, but impractical to do that with a team distributed across timezones without being asynchronous.
This is great - I've used iDoneThis in the past when working with a remote team but this is pretty slick. I really like the interface and the simplicity. Thanks for building.
started using the product yesterday and already see a lot of value... what would a great a addition is an automated slack reminders. also it would be great to have the reminders be somewhat intelligent based on time zones of individual team members. (if no status has been posted by set time, a reminder should be triggered. ideally the deadline should be adjusted based on users' time zone.. or allow to set on per-user) ... great product, enjoying it so far. looking forward to see it grow.
@adeolonoh Very cool interface and I like it a lot. What are the benefits of Flock vs. Trello? Are there any plans for integrations with project management tools, such as JIRA and Asana, such that when you complete one of the tasks, it updates in the project management tool?
@bryanpostelnek Thanks! I see Flock and Trello as being pretty different fundamentally. While you could probably jerry-rig Trello for daily standups, it's really a project management tool. Flock is designed to let individuals quickly share their plans and progress each day. There's also associated functionality to give you a quick views of a team, browse the history of past standups, etc.
And yes, we are exploring integration with project management tools, but no ETA on when that'll happen yet.
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