Danny Trinh

Free - Share your availability and get more time with friends


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Danny Trinh
What up PH! I’m Danny, CEO and co-founder of Free with @kelvin. We started working on Free over a year ago to solve a tricky problem: sharing when you’re available and making plans with your friends is damn tedious. It’s also pretty inefficient, intimidating to share with lots of people, and not that fun. If you’re like us: you text a bunch of people individually to hang, get a few responses, wrangle groups as people jump in/out, then finally meet up. We know software can make this way, way easier. There are a lot of awesome folks who have taken a crack at this problem but none have quite hit the mark yet for us. We’re no strangers to how nuanced and difficult the problem is — this is one of many major iterations we’ve built and we’ve put out our fair share of lemons. We finally have a take that’s been testing well with our friends & family, so we wanted to open it up to more people and see if they agree. This is where we’d be really grateful for your help. Give Free a try and let us know what you think. We’d love frank feedback (real talk) and ideas on how Free could be better with way, way more folks. We know it has many ways to be better and want your input. Personally, I’d love to jam on the problem with anyone in this community - add me as “danny” on Free and hit me up! PS we're going out tonight in SF to celebrate - if you’re available, come out and don’t be a stranger! Join my Free and the first round(s) are on us.
Brenden Mulligan
@dtrinh nice! Glad to see this in the wild. Congrats on the release!
Antonio De Mello
@dtrinh Totally understand the pain that you are trying to solve. I will definitely give a try. My only concern on using Free is how can I make all my friends subscribe to Free seamlessly so I can make start push events to my entourage. Let's say if a create an event can I share it on my most used communications channels, such as Messenger, Twitter and Emails?
Aaron Abentheuer
@dtrinh Awesome product! Wanted to have something like this for a long time (and actually thought of building this myself), but Free does everything I would want in such a product and is beautifully executed. Congratulations on the launch!
Antonio De Mello
@uberbryn Emoji links?! Cool :)
Danny Trinh
@mulligan thank you man! Grateful for your feedback too as we were building it
Kevin Rose
Congrats, brother, great to see this out, I know you've been working hard on it! :)
Ben Mathes
Neat idea. Hope it works. twitter integration is too growth-hacky. Posts a tweet both (a) when the UI makes it look like you're "looking for friends", or adding contacts in-app and (b) without letting us see/edit the tweet. Spamming people via the personal reputation of your users via twitter is not the best. Feels like "social" apps circa 2009, i.e. "spam the shit out of people" era.
Mark Bao
@ben_mathes Agreed. Seriously, this Twitter auto-share stuff is annoying. Even in 2011 apps gave you the option to share on Twitter or not when you connected.
Braden Hamm
@ben_mathes remember, he was the designer for Path when they spammed all contacts a few years ago ;)
Zachary West
@ben_mathes Sorry about that. The intention wasn't to tweet automatically without you knowing: it says "via @…" with a checkmark next to it, but it's too easy to miss. Since the screen was unclear, we disabled Twitter posting this morning until we can fix that up in a future version.
Robert Stephens
I love this product idea. I think it fits a perfect hole: the "latent" status model. I don't want to "push" to my friends, but rather let them "pull" my availability. Most of the time I'm likely available, but not enough to reach out and attempt to organize anything. I could see this extending beyond social, into pickup sports like tennis, basketball, cycling, etc.
Danny Trinh
@rstephens that's the ambition! :)
Shane Mac
@rstephens agree. both emotions are huge barriers. you don't wanna organize + you don't wanna plan something and no one shows up, feel like a loner.
Jesse Suarez
The Good: Congrats on the launch! The app is beautifully simple and you're coming out of the gate with a boatload of features but it doesn't feel weighed down. That chat experience is legit. The status posting is super lightweight. EMOJI LINKS?! The Bad: The name "Free" makes App Store searching impossible. The verification code system timed out a couple times though suspect that's not your fault. If this hits a critical mass, there's going to be a lot of notifications flying around. Seeing statuses from 11 hours ago can make it feel stale. The Ugly: I think there is a good reason why apps like Red/Green, Status and others have failed to make real headway in solving the problem of getting people together: broadcasting generally is too impersonal for people to feel included. It works for close friends that you know are always down to see you, but for acquaintances and people you're just getting to know it's pretty awkward to invite yourself along/join the chat. There's also an awkwardness about posting your plans publicly: either your signalling that you want to do something but don't have (enough) people already to make it fun; Or, on the flip side, your announcing to everyone that you have plans and aren't interested in hanging out with anyone else. At the end of the day I'd rather just text those people I want to hangout with directly than worry about a whole pack of new social norms. That said, if anyone can make the status concept work, I'd put my money on you guys. Good luck team Free!
Joe Dandachli
@savvy_suarez Very good points. Have to agree on most of the ugly points. I myself would feel awkward. Have had no problems with my Whatsapp groups for this type of stuff.
Jason Yu
Congrats on the launch! Biggest concern is the name. Possibly the most difficult keyword to optimize w.r.t ASO. How are you going to get the app to the top of the App Store when users search for "Free"?
Deleted User
How do you guys differ from & improve on Red/Green? Same availability concept.
Matt Van Horn
Congrats to you two! #fan
Danny Trinh
@mvanhorn you're the real MVP
Ben Standefer
I've been using Free as a beta user for a while, and it's resulting in a lot of unforgettable nights with friends that wouldn't have happened otherwise! It's so fun, give it a go!
𝔏aurent 𝔇el ℜey
Messaging UX/UI is really nice. Almost better than Messenger. The "Unlimited Likes" feature is pure awesomeness :)
Shane Mac
@ldesserrey Periscope and Free both nailed this. Let people give hearts for days.
Braden Hamm
I'm really excited to try this with a few close friends. The whole design looks awesome. I love how the "chat" interface is started to get stretched and extended. This is the farthest I've seen someone run with it. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to use the app because I am having issues when I enter my number. I'm guessing it's just from high volume.
Zachary West
@bradenhamm Were you getting an error message when you were entering your mobile number, or did you just not receive a confirmation code? We're seeing some intermittent issues with registration but we haven't figured out what's going on yet.
Braden Hamm
@zacwest I was getting an error message when I entered the number. I was able to register late last night though with no more problems. Thanks!
Paris Rouzati
This is awesome. Congrats Danny!
Danny Trinh
@prouzati thanks Paris! Too long, hope Free helps us hang more neighbor
Jackson Dahl
Seems like the biggest challenge w/ Free + similar apps that have tried to solve this problem is getting people who aren't actively trying to coordinate an activity to consistently update their status. I think the simplicity you guys have is crucial, and push notifications/watch integration for updating status will be helpful, but how else do you compel people to keep their availability updated?
Guy Gal
Neat idea and I see the potential. Onboarding was well designed but once you're in you do not get much gratification so odds of uninstalling is high. I can also see myself perpetually on yellow and never anything else, and I would imagine most people would just default to that. Future vision aside, this feels like a feature for FB Messenger. I would probably use this often if I could install this there.
Corey Gwin
Wow. Incredible work @dtrinh. Awesome video. Definitely feels like this is something needed in an established social network (a la Facebook Messenger or Snapchat). Wouldn't be surprised if they just acquihire you. :)
Jamie W
Really like that the confirmation code SMS has the code as two groups of three digits. Woo.
Ugur Kaner
Most of the reviews on Appstore complain about privacy issues and spam. Is this correct?
Dave Park
@ugurkaner i saw the same thing and I didn't DL the app after reading the reviews. love the idea but not looking to spam friends
Mike Eidlin
Played around with it, invited my friend! However the delay in the text message confirmation (1-2min) hurts my soul during the onboarding process. Perhaps because of the PH traffic? Otherwise, love the FTUE, excited to explore the rest of the app!
Danny Trinh
@meidlin sorry about that delay man! Thanks for giving it a try!
Scott Stephens
Does this work with UK numbers? I've put my number in to sign up but no confirmation button appears or an error message. Looking forward to trying it out
Zachary West
@imsctt There's a small bug on that screen, so you'll need to enter your full mobile number including country code and "+" for international numbers to work.
Théo Blochet
Hey ! Same concern as others about ASO, hopefully you'll manage to rank for this keyword at some point. Also, any plans for an Android app?