Alessandra Mikail

Thoughts on Twitter?


Things keep changing so much everyday that it's hard to keep up with them! What are your thoughts on the future of Twitter?

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Michael Flux
For the first time in the last half decade, it looks like it has a future. For the first time in years, I'm actually seeing people joking, having a good time and not taking everything so seriously. I've also been seeing far less spam than before. The handful of advertisers which "left" will get over it and will be back within a few weeks. Ultimately they have no morals or principles of any kind and will go wherever the eyeballs are in order to make sales. The celebrities that are leaving, are such narcissists and are so addicted to the likes, they'll all (unfortunately) be back too when they realise that whatever random site they've gone to, is getting them a fraction of the engagement. As far as the team being drastically cut, while I may feel bad for the individuals who lost their jobs, it's difficult to pretend like the company wasn't incredibly bloated (as is Meta, Google and virtually every other such company). If the bloat is only costing the company money instead of producing it, hard to make a case for them existing in the first place.
Chetan Natesh
@michaelflux Nice take, what do you think of the 8$ subscription?
Michael Flux
@chetan_natesh Not quite there yet, but high likelihood I'll sign up in the near future if things keep going the way they have been going. That additional revenue stream is desperately needed for the org. Not just for the sake of the money, but for the sake of not being reliant on a single source of money (advertisers) which is easily held hostage by activists. The less reliant twitter is on the advertisers, the better the platform will become as the users will turn into customers instead of being the products as they are currently.
Krishna Kumar
Two thirds of the employees have left and the site is still up and running (The APIs have misbehaved couple of times and the fail whale has also put in an appearance). It may still go down, but the immediate threat has receded. Every user who said they will leave is still around and tweeting furiously. The advertisers; will they come back? If the site stays up and engagement levels stay same or increase, they will. Meanwhile, Twitter remained the most updated on two critical and potentially catastrophical breaking news events - the Poland missile and the FTX meltdown. Oh! And they finally, quitely cleaned out the Child Sexual Exploitation material that was posted on the site. This, after the previous management did not. In other words, news of the impending demise of twitter has been exaggerated, atleast so far.
Michael Flux
@kkumarkg "after the previous management did not." Which raises an absolute ton of red flags on it's own. If some new person can come in, do a handful of common sense things and within a couple weeks remove the majority of such materials ... I don't want to sound conspiratorial, but the only rational explanation, if we're being extremely generous, is that the previous management knew about it, and was looking the other way. From there it's just a question of were they looking the other way because of some government involvement (which opens a whole other can of worms) e.g. honeypots, were they doing it to protect some friends/colleagues, or were they personally benefiting from such content being distributed on their platform. There is no possible explanation that doesn't directly incriminate them either in possession, distribution, aiding, abetting and being accessories to it.
Krishna Kumar
@michaelflux Apparently, the previous management knew about it - There were appeals and a lawsuit. Details here ->
Chetan Natesh
Doesn't look good , users are leaving, employees are leaving, advertisers are leaving only Elon is staying 🙃
Jerryton Surya
Twitter is facing tough time now but it will be better in future