Michal Kus

GoldenHour.One 2.0 - Your personal assistant for outdoor photography for iOS

GoldenHour.One helps you to find the best time, place and weather for your outdoor shots. GoldenHour.one knows ahead of the time your chance for a good photo. It can predict the light, sky and moon indexes from local weather forecast anywhere in the world.

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Michal Kus
Hey hunters, I am happy to present you the outcome of our work - GoldenHour.One v.2.0. It's been two years since we introduced her first version. Now we are making a big upgrade. When we planned it, we wanted to add the most requested features and maintain the application's friendliness. Here is the result - GoldenHour.One v.2.0. It is our most significant release ever. The app contains many new features, and we've completely redesigned the old ones. Newly working with the moon. New features help you find the best time, weather and place for the perfect shot of the Moon. Completely reworked maps show sun and moon at any point during the day, not only during sunrise and sunset. We've added plenty of useful information - twilight, azimuth, elevation, elevation angle, solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, lunar phase ... Now it's easy to find the right place and time when the sun or moon will be exactly where you want it. We offer you a promo code package for tasting. Please enter the used codes in the comment. If you do not get free code, do not mind. I will publish several code packages during the day. NNRYEM67PT4W PL6HJJFJH6P7 XLE7ARFW647J N6NMPHY7TA6E 3L66EHX96W3T 34JLYTMRKL69 XR4TALFTH6XX K6YE6KHHWXJ3 PF6YY47PKY9M KEE6ATH376P3 Promo codes, package # 2 - Posted in 04:38 PDT WFYJ67YMWX4P 4W4AWJLF7WFE 97LLA76KK9H3 4TWH7R9NLW77 JT6W9AP7EWK6 F44KNP746MP6 HH7KTL4J6KPN 6JPFTEEEWATJ H4P7PMAWR77Y R44JEXR63RXL Promo codes, package # 3 - Posted in 14:25 PDT 3KLX4NNEFYW7 RTPL473RPKEL H3WEANWNKKWP 634LFX7J39J7 LEMNPKTFTKA3 MTPAJTFKY7ET R4AJ6WX3WYY9 E3MXR6JRMWL7 EL4WE7MFLK6F M3P7YPFE9L3M How to Use Promo Codes https://support.apple.com/en-ca/...
Fabien | @fabienb | koandesign
@hanablackbird I have GoldenHour installed since it's first testing phase and I always loved it, always using it along with another 3-4 photo apps out of 100+ I have on my phone. This new update makes it even better, so thank you so very much :)
@hanablackbird Thank you. Really looking forward to testing this out, specifically for shooting motorsports events. Used code HH7KTL4J6KPN.
Michal Kus
@fabienb I love such reviews. Thanks, Hana
Giò Vargaj
@hanablackbird GREAT! But I can't remember the used code...am I an idiot?
Addison Taylor
@hanablackbird Thanks! I used code 634LFX7J39J7, i'll be trying it out over this weekend and be leaving a review :)
Aleš Jungmann

I am architecture photographer. Just perfect for my needs. Thank you alesjungmann.cz


Very intuitive.


Should be here years ago!!!