What is GoodLight.One?
GoodLight.One is the first weather forecast app for outdoor photographers,
Based on quality meteorological and precise astronomical data, GoodLight.One uses AI to predict the conditions for the most popular photographic genres.
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Recent GoodLight.One Launches

GoldenHour.One 2.0 Your personal assistant for outdoor photography for iOS
Launched on June 27th, 2018

GoldenHour.One The app that knows when the time is right to go take photos
Launched on April 10th, 2016
Forum Threads
GoldenHour.One 2.0 - Your personal assistant for outdoor photography for iOS
GoldenHour.One helps you to find the best time, place and weather for your outdoor shots. GoldenHour.one knows ahead of the time your chance for a good photo. It can predict the light, sky and moon indexes from local weather forecast anywhere in the world.
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