Risa Hiyama

GRAFFITY - Hangout live with your friends with AR video chat

<< NOW FEATURED on App Store AR Spot Light>>

GRAFFITY lets you invite your friends to the Augmented Reality Space you created.

Start doodling and fill the AR space with laughter!

How to use GRAFFITY.

1) Add your friends.

2) Create your room.

3) Invite your room.

4) Video chat with your friends.

5) Doodle in your room with AR

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Obierto Allesandra
Hi guys, do you have any use cases in the fashion industry for this? I have close connections to the owners at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Russia. They've done AR/VR experiences each season since 2015.
Shota Saito
@obierto_allesandra Thank you for having an interest in us! Hi, I'm Shota, business development lead in Graffity team! Yes, we can help develop AR experience in Fashion industry :) Here is one example use case in the fashion show, - Make 3D model appear on a catwalk and the audience can watch it through their smartphone. Let's discuss more how we can help you! Please contact me via this email address. saito@graffity.jp Thank you!
Risa Hiyama
hi there! I'm a designer for this app <3 Wrote about "3 things you need to consider when designing AR Communication App" https://medium.com/@risahiyama/3... My GRAFFITY ID is risa1104. If you don't have any friends in GRAFFITY, add me and talk with me to experience how GRAFFITY works. And also you can add me through this link! https://f.grffty.com/18:5SpJlRhA
Risa Hiyama
@risahiyama @k_v_113 thank you so much for always supporting :) I am planing to share more soon!
Hey there! I'm a developer of this app. My GRAFFITY ID is kboyy. If you don't have any friends in GRAFFITY, add me and talk with me to experience how GRAFFITY works. And also you can add me through this link! https://f.grffty.com/0:CVkS8Vtq Thanks!
Jonas Almut
Could this rival snapchat?
Risa Hiyama
@jonasalmut I don’t think Snapchat currently has real-time AR doodling feature so that is a unique point but for sure we get a lot of insights from Snapchat :)
Dave Poly
This is a really great idea. Awesome use case for social AR. I can see people playing games through this like hangman or Pictionary. Great work! 🤘
Risa Hiyama
@dave_poly thank you so much! Yea hangman is definitely a good usecase :)
Alexander Sysoenko

Need to check (already planned) a good dozen of similar applications. But suppose - posting 3D-object (even they are "3D-like" objects and a bit simplistic) in real time and in real stream is sharply innovative. Good emphasis on the experience communication versus technology admiration transmitting


real time AR sharing - video image 3D-decomposing and remixing


need to be very simple for not to upset enjoyable students)

Risa Hiyama
Thank you so much for your feedback! I saw your website https://www.spheroiduniverse.io/ Very interesting. We are planing to improve our technology and design and be the top AR company in Japan by 2020 Tokyo Olympic.
Tejas Badani
Cool idea !!
Dan Ortiz
I absolutely love this and would love to talk to you more!
Anthony Ulrich

You made our list of the most exciting product of Product Hunt this fall http://bionic-app.com/2018/01/26...

How do you deal with inappropriate content? Do you use a community flagging tool?


Once you go AR, you never go back. My friends would dig this!

