Steve McGarry

Reddit Comment Embeds - Embed Reddit comments on your website


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Steve McGarry
Finally, @Reddit provides users the ability to take comments from any public subreddit and embed them elsewhere online. This now allows people to highlight specific comments and conversations from @Reddit!
Alexis Ohanian
@stvmcg Thanks for sharing this, Steve. It's exciting to see this oft-requested feature roll out to the world. So many publishers have been begging us for this over the years since reddit is the wellspring for so much media. Imagine people _screenshotting_ tweets and pasting those images into their blog posts -- that's what they've been doing with reddit comments for years and now that all changes!
Ryan Hoover
This is a logical extension as reddit becomes a source of breaking news and AMA's. @alexisohanian - are you planning to offer embeddable posts so people can read the entire thread, upvote, etc. within other sites?
Alexis Ohanian
@rrhoover That would be very interesting, wouldn't it?...
This seems really smart. I've become an avid Reddit lurker the past two years and generally am amazed by all the great content and discussion happening within my own areas of interest (and others). I generally tend to think most startup-tech folks (as funny as it sounds with Reddit being a top 100 website) underestimate it. Part of having that scale and reach is that there are dozens and dozens of significant stories/comments/events happening that can be surfaced - curators and editors like Digg, The Daily Beast, BuzzFeed, etc from my POV have begun to hone in on this. Embedded comments is one concrete way to start surfacing original content across other domains. I wouldn't be surprised if @alexisohanian and team take this a step further and start a destination site to regularly surface noteworthy moments, threads and stories - think /r/bestof on steroids..similar to strategy around the AMA focus.
Alexis Ohanian
@ryandawidjan Thanks, Ryan. What really hit home for us was seeing posts like this: Every day there are hundreds of stories that bubble up on reddit where the comments become even more interesting and valuable than the original post, but what ends up going viral are these awkward unattributed blog articles that just copy&paste entire comments, often without crediting the amazing individuals who contributed them. This was a feature as much for redditors as it was for publishers. Build a tool that's _easier_ for publishers to source reddit content AND in the process create something that credits the redditors who made it. Everyone wins. This is one more step forward for the site and I'm incredibly proud of the team who pulled it off. I'm going to see if I can get our lead in here to talk with you all, too!