Yo guys. I have been toying with a scraper for PH for some time now, and was really motivated after seeing @TosinAF 's thread and packaged all I had in a neat API.
Try it here!
Currently it gets today's posts, and has a cache of 1 hour. I hope to see people make a ton of good stuff with it. :)
PS: I make a lot of cool stuff, and people love it. Leave your e-mail here and stay tuned about my projects.
PPS: DonationsUPDATE:
The API can now return comments for any product.
Here's an example: http://hook-api.herokuapp.com/po...
Love what you build - i build a similar scraper for my chrome extension https://chrome.google.com/websto...
I used the cheerio npm for data extraction - can recommend it over jquery and similar solutions.
Would there be an interest in an official PH read-only API ?
Thanks to @karangoel 's quick work, I have a demo of the news with Product Hunt Included :)
Have a look at it on app.io -> http://bit.ly/UyxKqh ; swipe left on right on the nav bar
Hit me up on twitter, if you want early access to this (beta) :)
Sorry for the delays! It's been a busy day. :)
@karangoel - wow, dude. Nice work. You even made some updates since posting it earlier this morning.
We've been chatting for the past few weeks about opening up an API. I'll keep everyone up to date when we have an official API ready (won't be too long).
What's awesome is that this community is full of talented builders and product-minded folks. I've even thought about putting together a Product Hunt hackathon (any interest?).
Please note that we're redesigning the site and adding new things so we can't guarantee Karan's API/scraper won't be affected by these changes.
@rrhoover Yeah I just made some improvements today.
re: hackathon. yes. totally. I'm actually flying to Bay Area for this summer so count me in.
re: redesign. I'll update mine when you redesign and it's broken (unless of course PH launches a public API).
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