Andrew Mekhanikov - A unique brand identity generated in seconds

AI designer, Ironov, is able to come up with original logo ideas instantly.

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Vlad Solomakha
Just FYI, this is a russian product, whose founder Artemy Lebedev directly encourages and justifies the killing of Ukrainians in his videos on youtube. Be conscious when deciding to give it a shot because it directly translates into real-life shots of civilians in my country.
Jay M
@vpznc Stop bringing politics into everything. Especially the start up world.
@vpznc @acopernicusview What do you even mean? Politics are everywhere no matter what you say. Saying that you or something is out of politics is indeed very political. Politics shape our real world and by supporting this product, you're paying money to kill Ukrainians and help to spread rashism ideology.
@vpznc I care about good digital products. Not my war, not my problem. Stay safe, bye!
@vpznc @andreul Wow, that was impressive... Impressively arrogant and dumb thing to state I'd rather say. I don't usually wish war on someone, but I really wish you could experience for a couple of minutes what we, Ukrainians, live through every day. If you don't mind war in another country, I suppose you wouldn't mind russians coming for you and killing your entire family? 🥺 Best wishes!
Vlad Solomakha
@acopernicusview there's no such thing as a "startup world" because when russians decide to kill you they don't check your product hunt profile to see if you work in tech. Friends of mine died from russian bullets and bombs. I'm a startup founder and like every Ukrainian, was heavily affected by the war. Imagine running with your team from your city because there are literally explosions that you can hear yourself. About what startups are we talking about? The whole Ukrainian ecosystem was sent back 10 years because of the war and I'm not even talking about all lost souls who were making this world a better place.
Sergey Kulinkovich
✨✨✨ Hey Folks! If you want Ironov to generate a logo for your project, just reply this comment with your company's name and a short description (e.g. “X – CRM system”, “Y – fitness club”, “Z – cozy cafe”, etc ) and we'll generate some examples for you! UPD Hey everyone! Sorry for not getting back to you sooner! We take requests for logos till the end of this week. Then we will need some extra time to answer everyone. Greatly appreciate your interest in our product!
Dan Melo
@kulinkovich1 Dopper – the best doner with only vegetables
Alena Sofina
Dan Melo
@alenasofina that's awesome, thaanks! May I print the logo and use it?
Alena Sofina
Oleksii Kushnir
Dear Product Hunt community, I want to let you all know that the founder of this project Artemy Lebedev is an active supporter and justifier of russian aggression and the genocide in Ukraine; and even took part in various events in occupied territories. Please keep in mind that each upvote or subscription = the actual deaths of civil Ukrainians.
Artyom Ushanov
@kushniroleksii > Please keep in mind that each upvote or subscription = the actual deaths of civil Ukrainians. No, it's not, stop considering local public stupid
Sergey Kulinkovich
Hey everyone! 👋 We've made huge progress with our technology lately, and today we are happy to share some results with the Product Hunt community. We’re ready to answer any questions you might have right away. How does it work? You provide a text description for your company. Ironov offers you an unlimited stream of logos based on your input. During the process, you can tweak fonts, colours and style. You can also instantly see your logo in different contexts after you make any changes, and choose what works best for your clients, audience and team. There are a ton of logo generators out there. Why build another one? Unlike the other services out there, Ironov offers unique logos (especially important if you want to create an original brand). This is possible through the use of neural networks and algorithms. Combining these two things allows you to recreate an experience similar to that of working with a real designer (but we’re seeing that it’s far more effective in many cases). And what about the brand new AI systems out there? Will they kill Ironov? Actually, no. Ironov is not just a neural network. It’s a product that combines a number of technologies to allow clients to create unique graphics, and also to tune it to their future brand, see how it works in different contexts, and immediately get vector files that are ready to go. We are constantly working on making Ironov better and feeding new tech to his brain as it appears. We expect Ironov to evolve along with the development of generative design technologies. We'd be happy to answer any questions you may have! Best ✨
Artem Sarkisov
Hey! I'm Artem, an AI Researcher. What neural network is used here? It is actually not some specific neural network but a combination of neural networks & alogrhytms. We've build the whole pipeline of transferring raw text brief into the final design pack with all the brand identity elements. A couple of words about one of the main components of the generative part of the product. We use a Transformer, fairly well-known pre-trained one. We tune the model with image-text pairs. Image dataset represents clear isolated objects in the logo graphics domain. We train individuals models to generate different styles of logo graphics. Dataset is marked according to a large list of criteria. The most common are clear meaning of the object depicted in the picture, white background, one scale of the graphic object on canvas e.t.c.
@kulinkovich1 Great product! Quick question - how are you making certain text bold?
Petr Morugin
@pr33tish Appreciate your support! 💫 We've got more than 100 typefaces to complement generated logos. More than 30 of them are bold :–) Fonts are made by human designers in our type foundry.
Sergey Kulinkovich
@jenkijo Many thanks for your kind words!
Misha San
@kulinkovich1 Good afternoon, I wrote a comment on August 9, but I didn’t snatch the logo) Ironov is the future in the present) "Papercranesmaker" author's blog based on the legend of 1000 cranes
Iryna Tokarchuk
Dear, Product Hunt community, please, pay attention that it’s russian product which founder is Artemy Lebedev (yep, that men from design field that recently supported russian aggression and took pictures with russian troops on occupied NPP in Ukraine) Each your vote = more killed civilians and sponsors terrorism #russiaisaterroriststate
Aleksei Ryskin
@ira_tokarchuk vote in product hunt don't kill any people.
Andrew Mekhanikov
Hey! We would be happy to know what you think.
Illia Pyshniak
I genuinely think that a product made by a Russian chauvinist Artemy Lebedev's team, who actively supports the ongoing genocide of the Ukrainian nation by Russian invaders, shouldn't be promoted on Product Hunt.
Александр Дяченко
Ironov made a great logo and identity for my podcast "Маркетинг и реальность"! I am very pleased, I use the identity in: the cover of the podcast, on the website, in the design of social networks.
Sergey Kulinkovich
@fenixeales Hey Alexander! Glad you liked it! Many thanks for your support!
Andrew Mekhanikov
@fenixeales You're welcome :)
Anton Balitskyi
If any of you paid for this, you literally supported terrorism. Lebedev is directly involved with spreading propaganda and received special tours in occupied ukraine from russian terrorists who killed children and civilians there. Just look at his Instagram. Product Hunt, the fact that you allow submissions from literal sponsors of terrorism is disgusting. Hope you can correct this.
Absolutely don't recommend this product 1. Unethical founder. Very active war & crime supporter. Definitely a person that gonna soon be on sanctions list. He and his team supported not using and not having foreign clients, should stop promoting on "western" resources. 2. Risk of this product closing soon is very high due to tech sanctions. 3. Whoever buys or gets a subscription in future, supports one of the most prominent Putin propagandists and will have their hands diped in war crimes Find EU/US/Asian/Middle Eastern product and invest your time in it With good founders and strong team Not a team of war ambassadors at night , and tech entrepreneurs in morning It is always all about founders and the teams.
Sasha Bychenko
Don't support russian products! Russia is waging an all-out war against Ukraine and all the civilized world right now. Including torture, deportation, hitting civilian objects, theft of grain and other resources. Artemiy Lebedev actively supports Putin and the russian war, helps Russian propaganda by visiting the occupied territories. Earlier, he repeatedly expressed his hatred towards Ukrainians. Russians and their products have no place in the civilized world before Russia leaves Ukraine forever, including the territories occupied in 2014 (Crimea and the east of Ukraine) and until all those related to war and propaganda are properly convicted. русский оккупант, иди вслед за крейсером «москва»!
Georgy Alaverdyan
@bychenko look, mate, I understand your hate towards Artemiy Lebedev — it’s understandable if someone depises him, etc. However, saying “Don't support Russian products!” is dumb since you claim that all Russians are responsible for Putin and his henchmen actions. “Russians and their products have no place in the civilized world” — mate, what the actual heck? Are you nuts? This is next-level xenophobia. What if I’m a Russian citizen living abroad and making a product? Should it be cancelled? What about a product made by Russian citizens who live in Russia, but who despise Putin and Co? Should their product be cancelled too?
Michael Lyapin
Wow, such a nice product. Im happy to see it here
Petr Morugin
@michael_lyapin Happy to know you liked the product! 🫶
Andrew Mekhanikov
@michael_lyapin We are grateful for your support :)
Antony Filyk
@michael_lyapin The founder of the company is a famous Russian terrorism supporter:
Excellent tool!
Sergey Kulinkovich
@isushristos777 Thank you Evgeni! ✨
Andrew Mekhanikov
@isushristos777 Glad to hear that!
Big Hamuster
It's just new reality of design tools.
Petr Morugin
@big_hamuster Grateful for your support! ✨
Mayank Jain
@andrew_mekhanikov @kulinkovich1 @temasarkisov, congratulations! Loved the idea and love the website :). Fantastic stuff!
Petr Morugin
@mjain_mayank So happy to know you liked it! 🖤
Andrew Mekhanikov
@mjain_mayank We very much appreciate your support!
Mykola Filon
Don't recommend to use this product. Artemy Lebedev is one of the supporters of war crimes of russian army in Ukraine. Using this = sponsoring terrorism
Lena Meshcheriakova
это разработка студии лебедева, недавно стоящего на крыше Запорожской АЭС. Все бизнесмены одобряющие войну, которую россия начала в Украине идут на*уй, вместе со своими разработками. Не рекомендую!
Eugeny Plokhoj
Please, be careful, this product supports terrorists, and the founder justifies the murdering of civilian people.
Alina Moiseienko
Dear ProductHunt team, this is one of the most inappropriate content that could ever be met here. The founder is supporting russian war in Ukraine, the mass murders and the occupation of the territories of Ukraine. No one can say that IT is out of politics when Ukrainian IT sector is sitting in the bombshells hiding from the rockets and bombs that Artemi Lebedev is sponsoring by paying taxes in russia.
Алексеев Артëм
The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (SPbSUT) - University of telecommunication from Saints-Petersburg. Trains networkers, programmers, designers, radio engineers, system administrators and many other IT specialties
Sergey Kulinkovich
@mooselk Hey! Check this! Monumental T stands for Technology. Solid! Details: Do you like it?
Vladislav Kovalchuk
@mooselk @kulinkovich1 I bet they would get it, but it looks better for another SPb university - Polyetch (their logo now is letter Pi)
Sergey Kulinkovich
@mooselk @vladplat Interesting! :)
Dmytro Ryzhykh
By supporting this product you would directly support russian army shelling Ukrainian cities. But you are very intelligent, developed and empathic so you won't support this product and rather use any of the alternatives out there, right?