
Lobe 2.0 - Machine learning made easy


Lobe helps you train machine learning models with a free, easy to use app. Just show it examples of what you want it to learn, and it automatically trains a custom machine learning model that can be shipped in your app. No code or experience required.

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Merlin Laffitte
The future of autoML?! Congrats on the launch guys, love the idea of making it accessible for all & so simple 💡 Quick questions: - Is it planned to extend this project to other structured data, like text...? - The training seems quite fast is it not deep learning based? Anyway, love the concept & realization!
Ramon Gilabert Llop
@merlin_laffitte hey Merlin! Thanks for your questions! We really hope so! 1. We are planning on expanding to other problem types soon. The first one will most likely be object detection—so we will still be in computer vision and image recognition, however Lobe is built on top of a solid foundation that will allow us to expand to text, tables, numbers, and more in the future. 2. Learning happens in two ways in Lobe. One that is fixed-epoch based—which allows you to play with your model and iterate on it pretty fast. The other one is also epoch based, but Lobe trains your model until it fully converges. This is what happens at the end of the video (8:06), when Jake let's his model Optimize. Again, here to help if you have any other questions, and thanks for the comment :)
Michael Hughes
@merlin_laffitte @ramongilabert Very cool! What about audio?
Jacob Cohen
@merlin_laffitte @ramongilabert @michael_hughes2 we are thinking about audio too! for now you can convert audio into a spectrograms and use image classification to make predictions. Do you have any audio projects in mind?
Markus Beissinger
Thank you @moproduct for the hunt. Hey everyone - we are excited to introduce Lobe, a new app from Microsoft! Lobe is a free, easy to use desktop app for creating custom machine learning models. No coding or data science experience needed. We believe machine learning should be a tool usable by anyone, not just a small group of experts. Lobe helps you through every step of the process. Collect and label your images quickly. Train models for free on your own computer without uploading your data to the cloud. Play with your model and improve it by providing feedback. Ship and use your model on any platform. Thanks for checking us out - we are excited to see what you create with Lobe! We would love to get your feedback and are happy to answer any questions here.
Brice Maurin
@mbeissinger hey Markus, thanks for this great product ! 2 quick questions: 1/ can we use the trained model in another application ? How ? 2/ what's the pricing? Thanks !
Markus Beissinger
@b_maurin yes you can use the trained model in a variety of places -- we export to the standard formats of integration like Tensorflow, TFLite, and CoreML ( We also have some starter projects in code for running on mobile, the web, or spreadsheets of image URLs in our GitHub: Lobe is free and runs locally on your computer :)
Porush Puri
Hi @moproduct @mbeissinge! Wooooowwwww! I am amazed, so easy to train and ship ML Models, I just saw the drinking water example and I was so shocked! This is the future! Kudos to the team for creating such a great product! Wow! Congratulations!
John Higgins
I used v1 of this product and it was so awesome. It lived up to all its claims, super easy to use, super easy to integrate. So awesome Microsoft swiped them right up. I'm really excited for this v2.
Ramon Gilabert Llop
@johnbhiggins let us know when you use version 2! This one is available to download right away at
John Higgins
@johnbhiggins @ramongilabert I'm sure the answer is "can't say" but will this be replacing azure machine learning studio (another product I love)? I recently saw in the serp title that that "(Classic)" was appended to the end of the title.
Ramon Gilabert Llop
@johnbhiggins @ramongilabert you are right, the answer is I can't say 😋 but I wouldn't worry too much about that.
Bill Barnes
@johnbhiggins @ramongilabert a revised version of that product recently became Generally Available as Azure ML Designer and it is still alive and well! Pretty different from Lobe. Try them both!
Danny Postma
This is amazing! I've been trying to identify UI components for & gave up because ML is hard. This app makes it unbelievably easy! Can't wait to integrate it to automate my workflow. It's already predicting the difference between hero, feature & header components 100% accurate 🔥
Ramon Gilabert Llop
@dannypostmaa wow, I love this idea. I started doing something similar with typography, I have a model with +1500 images that tells you the difference between different type categories. Can’t wait to check out your project.
Ramon Gilabert Llop
@dannypostmaa @ramongilabert I don't think I can post links in here, but if you search on Twitter for lobe_ai, there is a person that did a model classifying Hebrew letters as well. What I did to create the serif/sans serif/traditional/grotesque/etc. dataset was to add artboards of a good size in Sketch, take 20 or 30 different fonts, and put all the letters I could. After you create the first row, you can duplicate it and change the type pretty easily. I ended up with around 2000 images in pretty much no time.
Prakhar Shivam
Excited for Lobe's journey! It has been crazy progress so far. :)
Ramon Gilabert Llop
@prakharshivam it's been a long time coming, this release. We started working on it over 2 years ago after being acquired by Microsoft.
Prakhar Shivam
Your team's hard work is definitely showing up in the product so far. I wish that you guys innovate a lot ahead too.
Andrew Yates
Can't wait for the text, tables and number functionality. Just started exploring AutoML for some datasets. Love that you can easily highlight multiple images and label a bunch with the same label. It definitely seems to struggle on Mac if you import a large number of images to label in one go.
Jacob Cohen
@ay8s thanks Andrew! are you having issues labeling large numbers of images on Mac with Lobe? A few tips: 1. You can drag in a folder of organized images and Lobe will automatically label them for you (folder name = "Cats" with 500 images, they will all be labeled "Cats") 2. I see you're an iOS dev :) We have an iOS bootstrap app on GitHub to make it super easy to export a trained model to an iOS app! Let us know what you think!
Andrew Yates
If there are only two labels like Drinking, Not Drinking I wonder if the UI for labelling could be optimized to simply be a Checkmark/Cross like the Play section. That way it would be even fewer clicks to label more images.
Andrew Yates
@cohenjacobd Thanks, will take a look. I imported a unorganized folder of about 8000 images so I'm not surprised it had a few issues. A few images didn't import successfully so the failed dialog showed up but it was pretty sluggish showing/dismissing. Looks awesome though! :)
Ramon Gilabert Llop
@ay8s thanks for the comment Andrew! And yes, we are really excited about that, too. We are working on performance to support larger datasets as we speak as well! Stay tuned on our Twitter channels or on 😊
Jacob Cohen
@cohenjacobd @ay8s ahh got it okay good to know! Today we support PNG, JPG, BMP, and WEbP formats. What image formats are you importing? We will be adding support for more formats over time. You can learn more from our docs here and get tips for training a model and exporting too!
David J
Congrats on the launch! Hard work pays off. Onward and upward.
Ramon Gilabert Llop
@david_j2 thank you David! 😊
Jacob Cohen
@david_j2 @ramongilabert Thank you David! We're so excited 🥳
Λidy Love
Noice! Amazing how you've made ML modelling so accessible! 🤘 Looking forward to see you expand it's scope! 🧠 Any rough ETA on object and data classification?
Ramon Gilabert Llop
@aidy_love thank you! We are working on object detection as we speak, and we hope to bring it really soon. I can't give you an estimated time yet, but know that we are really committed to it. Data classification comes after, though the foundation for it has been built 😊
Ethan Fan
@mbeissinger quick question regarding the personal trainer example in website. Are you guys converting to skeletal figure e.g. using postnet before training and inference or it's purely based on the image?
Markus Beissinger
@ethanyfan hey Ethan! We are purely using image classification, and have built a similar example counting pushups as well with Lobe. You're thinking in the right direction though - in the future we would love to have the model architecture chosen based on a more detailed understanding of what your data represents.
Bill Barnes
@ethanyfan @mbeissinger it’ll be great to have that option, but for many scenarios simple image classification gets the job done faster and more easily. Helping guide people in decisions like this will be an interesting challenge!
Harrison from VC Guide
Oh my god yes yes yes. Honestly better than staring at a python script and a command line for 123848575 hours. Congratulations team. Awesome.
Ramon Gilabert Llop
@vcguidehq haha yes! This is what I am talking about!
Gautham Santhosh
This looks way different from the first version that was launched some time back, why did you guys remove all the complexity ?
Markus Beissinger
@gauthamzzz We wanted to focus first on accessibility and making the end-to-end process of working with ML simple and understandable to non-experts, and then expand capabilities after this first version. Many people struggled with the more advanced features initially, so we streamlined the complex model building and training processes using automated techniques. We still want this to be a powerful tool for working with ML and are looking to explore how to layer in more advanced capabilities later.
Ayoola John
It looks so simple! 🤩
Ramon Gilabert Llop
@ayoolajohn_ thank you! We've been hard at work for the past 18 months trying to simplify the process of building a model as much as possible, so anyone can have access to this amazing technology! 😊
Ivan Zenkovich
looks really nice and clean
Ramon Gilabert Llop
@ivan_zenkovich Thanks Ivan! Means a lot (: let us know if you need help when trying it out!
Andrew 💥
Amazing execution for a very complex product! What is your plan/roadmap for other functionality you want to ship? It looks like many pieces from V1 were cut off
Ramon Gilabert Llop
@the_andriy_bond hey Andrew! :) We are planning on adding object detection in the near future, and we are planning on complementing the future set that you can see in Other, more complex functionality, like the ability to edit the graph, or even build your own, may come in the future.
Bill Barnes
@the_andriy_bond out of curiosity, which pieces from v1 particularly appealed to you?
Marius Price
This is the future, I can see the light of this app. Congrats on such an amazing app.
Bill Barnes
@marius_price haha welcome to the future! Glad you like it!
Austin Waag
As a wildlife biologist who frequently uses applications operating with similar technology, albeit more restricted functionalities (e.g. iNaturalist), I am super excited to use Lobe as a major component in my upcoming research. The uses for Lobe to improve fauna/flora/ecosystem management, conservation, monitoring, and research are truly endless. The program thus far has been very easy And fun to use thanks to clear and helpful videos, instructions, and user interfaces! Great work :)
Ramon Gilabert Llop
@moosegoose47 that sounds super interesting Austin! Thanks for your comment. Mike, the other designer in the team has built a dataset of California Plants with more than 2000 images too, that recognizes Poison Oak and other species of plants.
Zetong Li
Maybe this can help with my posture haha.
tech-flying birds
What a neat project!
Ramon Gilabert Llop
@tech_flying_birds thank you very much! 😊
Alex Papageorge
Love the ease / UI of the product. I've add you to the weekend list to checkout!
Ramon Gilabert Llop
@alex_papageorge awesome Alex! Can’t wait to see what you come up with while using Lobe! Check out our examples page here:, where you can source some inspiration of projects that can be built with Lobe.
Jacob Cohen
@alex_papageorge looking forward to hearing about your weekend projects :D
Hugie S
Love it! One minor feedback: in the 'Play' flow, it would be really helpful to have a keyboard shortcut for 'yes' 'no' instead of needing to use mouse to click on the right option (since it's much easier to annotate using keyboard thus can generate even more training data). LOVE THE APP
Markus Beissinger
@real_hugo_boss thanks for the suggestion, relaying this to the team :)