Hey Product Hunt! MailTime makes mobile email as fast and easy as texting. Our new version is a substantial improvement on the Gmail MVP launched at Disrupt SF last year. MailTime still reformats messy threads into chat conversations, offers @Mention task management, and intelligently separates people from newsletters, but 2.0 adds:
- Support for multiple accounts (1st is free, 99 cents per additional, or invite 3 friends)
- Support for iCloud, Yahoo Mail, AOL mail, Outlook, Hotmail, Mail.Ru, QQ Mail, 163 and 126 Mail services
- Attachment Integrations with Dropbox, Drive, OneDrive, Box, and iCloud
- Swipe to Archive and Mark as Read functions
- Localization in 12 languages
- A gorgeous new look (Dive into your Archive and Trash, mmm so pretty)
Apple won't let us give out free account codes, but we won't let that stop us! Reply to the Registration Welcome email and mention Product Hunt, and we'll manually give you an additional free account. Have a good MailTime!
@eriktorenberg thanks! Probably 3 takeaways:
1) People want messaging-style email
Reid Hoffman's quote about launching early with an embarrassing first version is apt - 1.0's Gmail-only single account support was more of a promise than a full-fledged app. But even so, we were blown away by users' reactions - so many people out there wanted something like this for ages and love us for giving it to them. It validated our belief that this kind of email is something people actually want.
2) Everyone emails differently
In Silicon Valley it's easy to think the whole world lives and dies by Inbox Zero. But we've found that for many people, that's not important. Email is one of the few services that literally every web user has, which means there are many different email preferences. MailTime's simple premise appeals to the non-power users that you don't hear from as much on comment boards.
3) Millennials and Middle Aged
1.0 analytics weren't specific enough to know exact demographics yet, but judging from feedback and help tickets (biased sample, yes), many young users like MailTime because it resembles their other messengers, while older users like it for the same reason: big easy-to-read text bubbles.
Looking forward to applying these learnings to improving 2.0 even more!
Love how many new products are emerging to simplify email life and increase email productivity. What's funny though, is that the last few I've seen encourage you to write shorter emails, whereas my product promotes the opposite!
Just wanted to add a fun anecdote here - my mother was talking about me recently with her mom friends, and it turned out one of them already used MailTime 1.0! She was upset with her email and asked her son to 'Make it look like texting', so he found our app.
Given how often my mom hands me the phone with obtuse commands like "Make it connect to the car again", I sympathize. We made MailTime to make lives easier - for moms and for the rest of us.
I just love how I can browse through the long emails with tons of replies easily and smoothly on Mailtime! Also love the new multi-accounts feature, that's super useful!
I love the concept, user interface and simplicity.
I absolutely dislike the Privacy Policy and TOS.
Highlights: https://imgur.com/gallery/PWpKmmP
The amount/depth of information that this app tracks and collects and the level of trust that the user ought to have in how it is managed just shocked me a bit - especially for a paid app.
It is quite a different approach to email data processing, data and usage purpose.
The "Deletion" and "Exercising your Rights" part of the PP is.. amusing.
I wouldn't touch it with a stick; particularly NOT for work.
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