ashita achuthan

Otto - Your personal AI biographer


Share your stories and watch them turn into a personal history with Otto. Just talk about your memories, milestones, or daily adventures. Heck, even tell the story of building your startup. Try it out with beautiful free chapter.

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ashita achuthan
Hey Makers and Hunters 👋 I’ve been building Otto for the past few weeks as a way to record personal stories and histories. In part, I’d been thinking about how I’d have loved to learn more about my grandmother before she passed. In part, I’ve been feeling the need to share some of the lessons and learnings from my own life. To do that, I’d need to hire a writer, pay thousands of dollars, or run my own interviews, make notes, write things down and organize them into a book. 🫠 So I made something that’s super easy to use - like having a coffee chat with a friend who asks really good questions. Just use your voice and talk. Otto makes transcripts and creates a chapter after each session. In 30 days, you’ll have a finished biography. You can try out a free chapter now. I hope you have as much fun using it as I did building it. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.
Heather Cooper
@ashitaa Otto sounds like a great idea to capture little moments that would give our friends and loved ones context about our personality, hopes, and fears. Thank you for making a thoughtful product to share these stories @ashitaa
ashita achuthan
@hbcoop_ thanks for the kind words Heather.
ashita achuthan
@varun_enterpret 🔥🔥🔥 appreciate you, Varun
Richard Reis
@ashitaa beautiful idea! Please translate it to Spanish and Portuguese so I can send it to my grandparents and parents ❤️ This is lovely.
Anastasiia Stepko
Hey Ashita! This is something I really want to try with my granny. I've been thinking of capturing all the stories she's shared so I can always have something to pass on to the next generations.
Aravind Parameswaran
Congrats @ashitaa on launching Otto! 🎉 It's such a brilliant concept - turning personal stories into a digital memoir. How does Otto handle editing and structuring longer narratives? Also, how does Otto handle sensitive or private information in the stories shared?
ashita achuthan
@imaravind Thanks Aravind. We do structured sessions based on themes to organize your story into chapters that make sense. Chapters are created based on direct transcripts from your interview with Otto. We take privacy seriously and all your personal data and stories are encrypted and protected and accessible only to you. The language models operate within a closed system - they generate text without retaining any information post-session. You have complete control over your data, with the ability to edit, delete, or permanently remove information at any time. What do you hope to use Otto for? Feel free to DM if it's sensitive.
Aravind Parameswaran
@ashitaa Got it! Makes sense. > What do you hope to use Otto for? I don't know.. probably a digital memoir for my toddler daughter to go through when she grows up 😃 Good luck with the launch!
ashita achuthan
@imaravind awww. love that, Aravind. I like that you're looking ahead. I'm always fascinated by the stories we tell. Curious - What kinds of stories would you tell her - more generally focused on your life or words of wisdom for her?
Congrats on the launch @ashitaa 🎉 What would you say is the target audience for Otto? And what would be their main use cases? All the best with the launch!
ashita achuthan
@jgani thanks Jonni. two key use cases - narrating + preserving personal histories and keeping track of your daily life and big moments as a tool for reflection. right now focused on the former
Matteo Magliozzi
Congrats on the launch! Upvoted. The site is very well made, and I also like the idea. I need it as an app for my device, and I can probably use it quite often. The feature of not having to type is a guaranteed plus for me. I wish you the best of luck.
ashita achuthan
@matteo_magliozzi thanks for your kind words. I hear you on needing an app. It's mind blowing how many of us would rather talk than type lol. What kind of daily use cases would you want to use Otto for?
Matteo Magliozzi
@ashitaa When something happens that's worth remembering, such as when I get new business ideas or experience funny moments during travels, I use it for notes without the hassle of having to write, there can be many ways to utilize it.
Matteo Magliozzi
@ashitaa I'm also launching my platform in the next few hours, so if you'd like to support us with a follow and your presence at the launch, it would be really valuable to me.
Aman Wen
The idea of a personal biographer that requires zero typing is pretty rad. Who wouldn't want to be the hero of their own story, right? Gave you an upvote because storytelling without the hassle of typing sounds like a dream. Out of curiosity, for someone with a ton of stories, does Otto help organize 'em by themes or is it a free-for-all? Just wondering how my memoirs will shape up.
ashita achuthan
@aman_wen haha, thanks Aman. I hear you - I prefer to talk than having to type stuff out. Otto organizes your stories by themes so not a free-for-all. Free-for-all is a ton of fun but also pure chaos. How long have you wanted to write your own memoir? Have you written anything yet or is the concept intriguing?
Milli Sen
Congrats on the launch! This is so cool! It’s great alternative to journaling. Good Luck 💪🏽
ashita achuthan
@millisen Thanks Milli. Curious - do you journal?
Max Kamyshev
Wow that sounds really useful for capturing memories for future generations. The trickiest part, I suppose, is getting into the habit of doing the sessions regularly, but I truly believe it's worth the effort.
ashita achuthan
@max_kamyshev yeah. The habit def pays off and it keeps the sessions short so it feels like something you want to do. thanks for the support :)
Emily Willis
Launching soon!
Great product idea, there are so many use cases for this. One that immediately comes to mind is for the elderly. My husband was keen to capture his Mum's life story (while she remembers it!), but she's going blind & has arthritis so this solves all those barriers. Another use case are kids with dyslexia like my son. He hates writing & reading, but is an amazing storytelling with audio tools. Is there an app available in the Australian app store? I couldn't find one? Or it's a desktop tech for now?
ashita achuthan
@emily_willis1 Emily - I love both of these use cases. Def personally relate to wanting to capture life stories of people you love while they are still with us (and remember it). What kinds of storytelling tools does your son use? It's desktop tech right now and mobile web should work soon. No app at the moment. Would you say you have a preference for apps over web?
Emily Willis
Launching soon!
@ashitaa web is fine for now for sure! I only asked about mobile as I reckon for capturing those ‘moments’ when a story idea comes to you, you’re more likely to have your mobile with you to capture it in Otto. For kids, creative folks and the elderly, a mobile is a device that’s got a really low barrier to entry (it’s more accessible). I can imagine if I was walking in nature & had a creative idea (where all my best ideas come to me!) a mobile app would be fab!
ashita achuthan
@emily_willis1 I hear you on accessibility and low barrier to entry for kids and the elderly.
Jade Grimwood
Oh imagine having this with you when sitting with your aging parent or family member! Great idea! 💡
ashita achuthan
@jade_grimwood Hey Jade - yeah. Curious - how would you see yourself using it to interview your aging parent or family member? Would you want to focus on a particular aspect of their life? read the questions out loud for them to answer? Or would you want to adapt what you ask them and have a more fluid back and forth?
Jade Grimwood
@ashitaa I think asking questions would help but so would allowing them to be in flow. Sometimes just hearing someone tell a story is powerful.
ashita achuthan
@jade_grimwood Yes. Absolutely.
Ryan Hoover
I'd love to give this to my parents and friends to learn more about them and hear their story.
ashita achuthan
@rrhoover 🔥 fire idea, Ryan.
Congrats on your launch @ashitaa ! I like the overall design style of Otto. Also, the name is very interesting, is there a story behind it?
ashita achuthan
@bonvisions Hey Bon - Otto is a palindrome and I'm a literary nerd lol. thank you for your kind words.
Albert Brückmann
@ashitaa That doesn't sound bad and reminds me of another player in the biography game who also works with voice-only. How do you assess the problem that very few people can tell stories in full sentences and use a lot of filler words? As the founder of Meminto Stories, I have been dealing with this problem for a long time. We developed a telephone assistant that simply calls old people without smartphones and asks them a question about their lives. It turned out that many people couldn't do that, which I found amazing. I hope your approach works. Maybe we can exchange ideas sometime! Best regards!
ashita achuthan
@albert_bruckmann that's a super cool approach. what made you decide to build Meminto Stories? def would love to exchange ideas.
Albert Brückmann
@ashitaa Thank you! For me, like you, it was the death of my grandmother. She left us her life on dozens of sheets of paper, completely unstructured and jumbled. I immediately realized that there was a problem here and developed a solution. Meminto is now used all over the world and we send books from Canada to New Zealand. I even had the chance to appear in the German version of "Shark Tank" with it :-D Let's talk sometime. You can find me on Linkedin or book an appointment here: Best regards, Albert
Niels Hoven
This is a cool idea! I'm always looking for better ways to capture the memories of this time with my kids
ashita achuthan
@nielshoven I love this. What are the types of things that you want to capture? This is a public forum so only share what you're comfortable. Would you like for them to read what you've written or would you like it just for yourself?
Fabrizio D'Urso
@ashitaa love the idea!! Upvoted! Did it only take a few weeks to build? Congrats!
ashita achuthan
@fabdurso hey Fabrizio. yes. started as a fun prototype.
Zain Ul Abdin
That's a very unique product I like the idea. I'll make sure to try it out.
ashita achuthan
@chrisliam thanks for the kind words, Chris.
Zain Ul Abdin
@ashitaa You're welcome and also I would love if you will give me feedback on my product. We are also going to launch soon.
Filippo Calabrese
I love the idea behind this product. Personally, I am one of those people who tends to forget a lot of the things I do on a daily basis. Especially when you are particularly busy, sometimes it is good to stop for a moment and to look back and see how far you have come so far. To date, I have never managed to keep track of memories and thoughts, but perhaps this tool could come in handy!
ashita achuthan
@filippo_calabrese Hey Filippo - I can relate to stopping for a moment and looking back to see how far you've come. especially when you're in caught in this whirl of activity. I see that connecting the dots seems important to you. Curious how you'd want that surfaced. Or would you rather go back and read and connect the dots in that way?
Rohit Gaikwad
Interesting Tools, Congrats @ashitaa
ashita achuthan
@rohit8x 🔥🔥🔥
Akintayo Gboyega
This is so cool
ashita achuthan
@cripsmay 🔥🔥🔥
John Rush
genius idea
ashita achuthan
@johnrushx thanks John! huge fan of your approach to building product.