
Postmark Express - The only webcomic about the Wild West of sending emails


What happens to your emails after you hit the "send" button? Find out in the first ever webcomic about email deliverability—we promise you'll never look at your emails the same way again.

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Howdy and woof! to you all 🐶 You likely hit "send" on an email a few times a day. But have you ever thought about what happens to your email after you hit that button? Call us email nerds, but we at Postmark think the process of routing emails through the depths of the internet is fascinating—and we'd love to share it with you. You'll never look at your emails the same way again. Our webcomic *Postmark Express: Journey To The Inbox* follows two delivery pups, Jordan and Mary, as they brave the Wild West of the Internet to deliver an important email. In a world where spam filter watchdogs guard the inbox and gangs of nosey phishers and scammers are looking to score big, this is a tale of friendship, dedication, and the courage to deliver to the inbox., it might be the first educational resource about email deliverability that’s actually fun to read. Bring your best dog puns. We look forward to them!
Louis Grenier
In an age where most tech companies obsess over their competitors, it's so good to come across something that's never done before... and that's also FUN! I've learned a few things about email deliverability I had no clue about, too. Kudos!!
Bettina Specht
@louisslices We had *so* much fun creating this comic, and it's so wonderful to hear you enjoyed reading it, too! <3
Bettina Specht
YEEEHAAAW! THIS IS PAW-SOME! 🤠 (Fur-give me for using all caps, I’m just so excited.)
Alex Jost
This content feels like it has found route access to my brain. Just the other day I described a previous status quo of email comms as a 'wild west', with the inevitable bunfight of folks at a company jumping to email customers. Get ready to learn a thing or 2 here. (🏆 for the writing, storytelling, graphics, and overall vibe -- RIP identikit content, and long live truly memorable and useful content like this)
Bettina Specht
@alex_jost Thanks fur your kind words, Alex! We really appreciate it!
Shelley Jeżewska
Wow, it's evident how much work was put in here! The graphics and witty storytelling are brilliant. Insightful and fun - well done :)
Jordan Dibb
@shelley_jezewska Thanks, Shelley! You're a great collie-ague! Collie-gue? Collie-ge?! Thanks, Shelley! You're a great friend!!!
Jonas Pelzer
This is super cool!
@jonaspelzer Thank you, Jonas. And woof! 🐶
Nausheen Eusuf
The webcomic concept is incredibly clever and creative -- very cool! :)
Jordan Dibb
@nausheen_eusuf Thanks for the fetching comments, Nausheen. We appreciate it!
Nausheen Eusuf
@jordopordo Fetching?! The puns throughout are just awesome :)
Faizan Fahim
someone remind me of checking backlinks after 10 days... :)
@faizan_fahim this is a perfect op-paw-tunity 😉
Hannah Wiginton
What in tarnation?! 😄 Love this! Thanks for sharing.
@hwig42 It was the perfect op-paw-tunity to bring you some joy today!
Jeilan Devanesan
Wow! This is dope - probably the most engaging way to read something educational. Many, many steps up from even the best of conventional blog posts. I wish more marketing content was like this. And what an original topic to focus on with such an original twist.
Bettina Specht
@jbear36 Awww! Thanks so much for leaving such a paw-sitive note!
Matt West
This was such a fun read! I’m so proud of the team that put this together.
@mattantwest It's great to see you be so paw-ssionate about this ❤️
Rucha Joshi
This is so fun and really well done - the illustrations to copy and the funnel to Postmark 🙌Loved it and learned so much
@rucha_joshi8 thanks FUR your kind words, Rucha! We are so FUR-tunate to have you check this lil' comicbook of ours 🐶
Aazar Ali Shad
wow! this is fascinating.
Jordan Dibb
@aazar_ali_shad Pawwww, shucks! Thanks, Aazar!
Deb Mukherjee
Content like this is what I live for! 🤩
@debgotwired Wow!, we love how paw-ssionate you are about our lil' comic! 🐶
Ivan Sršen
Awesome! Learned a ton here... and didn't even feel like learning [sooo... best kind of learning, right?] Great job everyone!
@ivan_srsen aww, thank you. We will never fur-get this comment!
Hiba Amin
I'm in love with this. Congrats on the launch!!
Jordan Dibb
@hiba_amin Thanks furry much, Hiba!!
Andrew Bonar
Love your work team Postmark, This is fabulous, informative and fun.
Jordan Dibb
@mrbonar Thanks for the doggone comment, Mr. Bonar! We appreciate it!
Wolfgang Gruel
E-Mail unleashed - what a wonderful idea. Absolutely love it - the comic is not just entertaining but it also gets across a lot of information about email in an undogmatic way. I probably did not get all the puns, but it would be golden to retrieve more educational stuff like that.
Jordan Dibb
@twilfgang I... I... I don't even know what to say. Amazing! We bow (wow) to you, the pun master! <3
Justine Jordan
I'm just blown away by the creativity here. Plus I learned something new! Paws-itively brilliant work 👏
Derek Rushforth
@meladorri Howl nice of you to say! Thanks Justine!
Kuba Rogalski
That's the best piece of content I've seen in a while. I'm so sharing this comic in our newsletter!
@jakrogalski We'd love that. Fur real. 🐶