Jake Crump

πŸ† Top Community Forum Members This Week πŸ†


Ever since we launched Product Forums, it's been incredible to see how the community has taken to it and started a ton of insightful conversations. So, we wanted to take a moment and highlight some of the most active community forum members from this week who are making the forums awesome!

Want to try and make it into the top next week? Leave useful comments and start interesting threads! We'd love to hear from you!

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Thank you Jake for mentioning! πŸ™πŸ™‚ And also thanks to the community members who contribute here! πŸ₯³

Matt Carroll

cool to see the forums come to life. i thought the AMA was quite good (though i dont normally enjoy the format too much if im being honest)

Ajay Sahoo

One query i want to ask, whenever i initiated enter a question (thread column) and related suggestions in a forum (general section), the discussion removed from the platform and i receive the the removal message without specifying any reason in mail. May you tell the reason why is it happening? It would be helpful.

Asha Kanta Sharma

Congrats to all :-) That's a fantastic initiative from Product Hunt! It’s great to see how active community members are being recognized for their contributions. It seems like the forums are fostering some really interesting discussions around AI, product development, fitness, and more.