
Word Game | Wordle For Discord - A Wordle inspired Discord Bot with stats and leaderboards!


Word Game is an interactive game where players must try to guess the Word of the day! This was inspired by the orignal puzzle Wordle, currently being developed by Legit at Luminoux World.

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I started working on this game / discord bot soon after finding out about the orignal game Wordle through a Waveform Podcast Episode and I really liked the game so I thought about making something similar for the Discord Platform! 👀 When I first started towards the end of February, I had no idea if it was going to work out but I didn't stop to think about that and went on to code the bot piece by piece. Eventually, the base game functions were ready and I released the bot in an Early Access manner with some servers helping me test it out. There definitely was alot of quirks in the early versions but with regular updates I started ironing them out :D At this point I had already listed the bot on several different sites such as Top.gg and the bot quickly reached 100 Servers on March 11th largely in part due to the trendy Wordle that the game / bot was riding on. When the bot reached 100 Servers, I applied for verification as discord bots can't grow past this limit without it and these applications usually take about a month but luckily I had filled all the details necessary with no difficulties so discord was able to verify the bot much earlier than anticipated - March 18th. That's literally 1 week after applying! With the bot now verified, there was a sense of trust associated with it compared to other half baked similar bots allowing it to quickly grow past 300 Servers on May 2nd. Around this time, I pushed a big update to patch out all known bugs and smoothen up the playing experience. May 6th, here we are today with future updates in the works! Perhaps, Word Battles may interest you? It's on its way 👀