shrtcode provides multiple free online tools which are secure and privacy-friendly. shrtcode is best known for its URL Shortener with over 2.6 Million shortened links
shrtcode V2 is here! 🎉🎉🎉
shrtcode is best known for its free URL Shortening service powering more than 2.6 Million links around the web! With version 2 we inroduce a couple more free tools which are all focused on privacy, security and reliability.
shrtcode's uptime is very good (e.g. 99.9% uptime in the last month) and it's really fast.
We also changed the design with V2 focusing more on accessibility and usability on mobile devices.
I hope you like this update! If you have any questions, please ask them right here in the comments or message me on Twitter!
Oh, and did I mention the free Developer API? It doesn't require authentication and it let's you shorten as many Links as you want!