★ Karan Goel ☂

Slack-HN - Read Hacker News right from Slack

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Ryan Hoover
We're considering building a PH 👉 Slack integration but haven't had the time. If anyone wants to build it, please let me know. Our API is open and docs are here. cc @matmullen, @stewart
Ryan Osgood
@matmullen @stewart @rrhoover I was thinking of building a PH integration using the App Home to give it a more "native" feel (similar to Digest below) and get it approved for the Slack App Directory so it's easy to install. Let me know if that would be helpful!
Mat Mullen
That would be awesome! @karan - If you have any questions as you're building it out, feel free to reach out and I'll connect you with the right people at Slack.
★ Karan Goel ☂
@karan @matmullen Thanks Mat. I made this: https://github.com/karan/slack-news I do have a question though. How can I make this a default integration? :D
★ Karan Goel ☂
EDIT: See this new thing with PH support: http://www.producthunt.com/posts... Hey everyone. Maker here. This is a dead simple (maybe even stupid) slash command for Slack I made when I was bored last week. You type /hn and it will fetch and show you the current HN homepage. If you like it, feel free to upvote it! :)