FormBuilder SDK by Tripetto - Form kit for self-hosted Typeform alternative
Build and run forms and store responses entirely inside your own application and infrastructure. Ensure respondent privacy, sensitive data security and compliance by self-hosting the customizable FormBuilder SDK. Works for React, Angular, plainJS, and HTML.
Tripetto 3.0 - Free Typeform alternative with next-level calculations
Conversational forms made with Tripetto are now even smarter. Use the new calculator to create quizzes, order forms and more. Fast and no-code. It does all the basics (+ − × ÷), but also supports powerful formulas and even math. Plus, it's a free feature!
Tripetto 2.0 - Awesome smart flowing forms and surveys
Creating smart flowing forms and surveys gets fun by ‘drawing’ them in Tripetto. You choose how to share them with the world: a simple link or embedded somewhere. The form’s conversational appearance is fun for your respondents, too. For optimal response!