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Mark van den Brink

Tripetto for WordPress - Build engaging forms & surveys in just minutes

Boost conversion with appealing form experiences, built, styled and deployed from inside your WordPress Admin, using the powerful Tripetto plugin with its visual editor and lightning fast form engine.

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Maarten Behr
Hi there! This is Maarten from Tripetto. I’ve been happily working with WordPress for creating appealing websites for quite some years now, but when it comes to forms things always got a bit boring. I came across Tripetto a few months ago on Product Hunt when they launched their free web app and got hooked on their visual drawing board for form building. Not much later after reaching out to them I teamed up with the Tripetto developers to create the WordPress plugin, and today we are proudly launching it here on Product Hunt! We are very excited to hear what you WordPress developers and admins think and we’re eager to see your feedback here in the comments. We hope to be extending the plugin very actively going forward and we invite users to submit feature requests though our Gitlab repo (the plugin is completely open source, so have a look if you want). Cheers from Amsterdam, Maarten P.S. Your first form comes with complimentary Premium features, so go check it out!
Lachlan Kirkwood
Love the native alternative to embedding a typeform survey 👍
Martijn Wijtmans
@lachlankirkwood Thank you so much. This is exactly what we are aiming to do here. Spot on.
Jasper Tonk

we implemented tripetto for a large customer website


easy to use, ability to keep the data on premisses was key for us


none so far

Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen
Very cool. One suggestion for your website. Make the demos more prominent, and call it 'demo' or 'examples' or 'templates, instead of 'sandbox'
S. Jenkins
Can the survey functionality handle 50k responses with an average of 21 concurrent users?
Maarten Behr
@net_management Thanks for your question! The limits are related to your WordPress hosting environment. You should stress test that to see how many requests it can handle. Tripetto forms, including all logic, run client side (inside the browser) without server round-trips. Your server only has to handle 2 actions: 1. Serve the page with the form 2. Process the response (on form completion)'