Eugene Cheah

UIlicious TAMI 1.0 - Generate automated tests for your website with AI

Tired of spending hours manually testing your website? It's never been easier to automate testing with UIlicious TAMI. TAMI is an AI assistant that helps you write automated scripts for testing your web application! Try TAMI for free at!

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Shi Ling
Hello Product Hunters! I'm supe excited to announce TAMI today! TAMI is an AI assistant to help you write automated scripts to test your website. I know it's daunting for folks to get started with automating UI tests, so we've been thinking about how to make it easier to get started for a while now. TAMI uses state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms to understand user intent and generate test scripts in UIlicious's intuitive testing language. But TAMI is still a young child, and might still make mistakes, so it may not generate a test script that works perfectly the first time, but we really hope that TAMI is able to assist you with writing at least 80% of your tests. All of the data used to train TAMI was collected from public test scripts written to test publicly accessible websites. We'd really love to hear your feedback and questions, and hope that you are as excited as us! You can try TAMI for free at
Shi Ling
Also, if you are interested to try the professional edition of UIlicious Studio, use the promo code "PHTAMI" for a 25% discount for 1 year. This promo is available until 31 Jan 2023.
Shi Ling
We're also working on TAMI 2.0, which is an interactive version that allows you to chat with TAMI and tell TAMI how to extend your test scripts or modify existing test scripts. TAMI 2.0 will be exclusive to UIlicious Studio, if you are interested, do give the professional edition of UIlicious a try.
Awee Gee
@taishiling Here’s to your bright future! Congrats on your launch!Kudos!
Shi Ling
@audrey_galeon Thank you for your encouraging support!
Rémy Plaut-Aubry
?makers Thanks for sharing this update. How did you train the AI model for this ?
Eugene Cheah
@rplauta We trained it using our own custom dataset, which contains public test scripts of public websites gathered from github, and snippets shared in public. Along with several handwritten test scripts done by our internal team, and our public docs. We intentionally did NOT use any of uilicious paid customers data (on uilicious studio), due to privacy and security concerns. As a result the dataset currently has a very strong bias towards public websites, or popular enterprise systems, which may have public demos. The AI may not perform as well, for private internal enterprise web applications, but it will try its best guess. Using the data, our model is fine tuned, using the same methods outline by chatGPT (, and built on existing older GPT3 models. In the future, we plan to enhance the AI to be more usable with existing scripts, for our subscribed uilicious users. Where we would allow them to make edits to their code on platform using prompts, while allowing iterations. Which would be significant, as the AI may never get the first attempt right, but through back and forth discussion, it may adapt to your uses more accurately. Keep your eye's peeled for the next version, thats already being worked on =)
Rodrigo Chiong
Just tried it to test a website in "coming soon" mode and it generated a working test scriptin seconds! Amazing tool to bring testing to more people 🔥🔥🔥
Shi Ling
@letsan Woo, that's awesome! I'm happy TAMI's able to help. Do let us know as well if TAMI doesn't know how to test your website the way you want it to, we'd like to know where are the gaps to improve TAMI on.
Rhymer Espinosa
@taishiling A toast to the launch. <3 Genuinely rooting for your success.
Shi Ling
@rimer_carlyle_espinosa Thank you for the encouraging support!
Joshua Wong
Looks like it'll help save us a ton of time writing tests—always a painpoint for us. Congrats on the launch!
Shi Ling
@joshua_wong1 Thanks for the support! Yes, writing tests is such a time-consuming chore, but TAMI can now do most of the work for you. We're currently working on TAMI 2.0 which is an interactive version that you can instruct to extend and modify existing tests. Keep your eyes peeled! 👀