
How do you like the new UI of the Product Hunt page with Golden Kitty Awards?

I opened the main page and was surprised. It was quite a pleasant change. How do you like it?

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Sidra Arif
I loved the UI mainly because of the dark mode.
@sidraarifali It is totally different. It was a positive shock to me! :D
Nicolas Garcin
@busmark_w_nika do you know when the vote count will be revealed?
@nicolas_garcin Unfortunately, I do not have this information.
@nicolas_garcin I usually see the count (in regular lunches) at 1 PM CET.
KurachiWeb 倉地 俊輔
Good for me! I think this is a great time-limited change because it lets everyone know that a special event is happening. One thing I noticed that could be improved is that the search bar and notification icon in the header are hard to see. What a beautiful golden cat 🐱
I thought that I had so bad eyesight but really glad to read this :D So my eyes are not so bad :DD @kurachiweb
Brett Rory Lipman
@brettrorylipman I love it too! This one looks pretty well!
Rohan Chaubey
Yes, LOVE it! Best theme till date in the history of Product Hunt! :)
Agree! They grabbed the attention. :) @rohanrecommends
Ash G
I like dark mode. Easier on the eyes.
@ash_grover Probably that's why most of people share this opinion.
Ashish Parmar
I love the dark colors and hence the product hunt home page :)
@ashish_parmar13 I am the same. Even why I use light mode :D
Priyanka Saini
I really like it... it has completely grabbed my attention. It’s giving such a classy and sophisticated vibe. I like this so much more compared to last year’s looks. It feels like there’s something special about it
@priyanka27 yes, definitely stood out from the crowd. :)
Emily Willis
I love it @busmark_w_nika - it's very auspicious! But I'm wondering, how do products get shortlisted or featured within each of the award categories? Marlee isn't included in the Productivity shortlist ( up for votes & we won productivity product of the week when we launched, so this seems odd to me...? Is it based on total votes rolled up for the year?
@emily_willis1 Hey Emily, I am not so sure how the list was created. Maybe it was the decision of the PH team.
Violet Rogers
Love the effort they've put into it! Give me cyberpunk vibes. I half expected a pop-up saying 'launch the future today!' hahaha
Denis Sigal
Loved this UI. I thought at first I had unlocked some bonus.
Dmitriy Semenkevich
I like it. It's pretty cool.
Thomas Jackson
Loving the new dark mode UI for the Golden Kitty Awards page! So much easier on the eyes, especially when browsing late at night. Great update from the PH team.