Michael Seibel

Wanderlog Pinboard - A digital corkboard: map your and your friends' travels


A map corkboard for the digital age:
- Track all the places you've been
- Import straight from Google Photos and iCloud
- Impress people with how well-traveled you are
- See where your friends have been too
- Earn fun badges and level up

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Harry Yu
I've used a lot of these map builders before (including Tripadvisors back in the day), but I really liked seeing the Google Photos import in action! I take photos on all my trips anyways, so it was nice it could all be imported with just a few clicks instead of me having to type out tens or hundreds of places.
David Tran
This looks awesome! Will plan all the places to eventually go to once it's safe 😃
James Quinn
Haven't been doing much travel lately.. but love this! Will definitely check it out with my friends
Max Prilutskiy
Looks great! 💯
Harry Yu
@prilutskiy Thanks! Let us know if you have any feedback or specific use-cases in mind!
Alex Shevchuk
Congrats, guys! Big fan of Wanderlog. Great execution, concept and design. Curious to know, how this plays out in term of Wanderlog engagement and retention. We tried to do the same on TravelRank too. Good luck!
Paul Murphy
Super cool. Hard thing to pull off and you guys did it so well, it's additive to add places you've been which is great.