Chris Messina

WordPress 5.0 “Bebo” - Say Hello to the New Editor


WordPress 5.0 introduces a block-based editor that offers a streamlined editing experience. The new editor is better at inserting media content and rearranging any type of content. Each piece of content is in its own block, which is meant to help site owners decide how content is displayed.

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Matt Mullenweg
It’s amazing to see this out there in the wild after years of hard work. I consider myself incredibly lucky to work with the team that makes WordPress, and Gutenberg is an expression of their empathy, talent, vision, and persistence.
Vlad Korobov
@photomatt please clarify there is a still need for theme-ing, right? Are there a multicolumn layouts or variations of blocks like in ?
Jose Paul Martin
@photomatt I really love wordpress, been using it for ages... but why not make a lite version of wordpress, similar to's that would focus on blogging, which just drag and drop. No bells, no whistles... just pure bliss of writing/publishing like in the old days?
Romero Mckay
As a dev I LOVE-LOVE Wordpress but I really wish the people at WP actually looked at our reviews/feedback a little more. The new editor "Gutenberg" has 2.5 stars on your website see here (please don't delete this) I wish you took the time to look at our concerns a little more it seems like some of our issues were overlooked. You have a strong community which was built on communication and if thousands of devs are having issues I feel like you should try to reassure us a little more. Hope we can all work towards something we're all happy with.
Matt Mullenweg
@helloromero Howdy, we decided to develop Gutenberg in public as a plugin first, and actually did 46 major releases and iterations of it over the last year and a half. Some of those early alpha and beta versions were rough! And people reviewed them appropriately. The other thing that brought the directory rating down is a vocal minority of users decided to use it to try to "vote" against Gutenberg coming into core, which distorted the reviews. We left all those up and in fact have replied to nearly every single review for Gutenberg that's come in since the plugin launched. Despite that, Gutenberg was the fastest growing plugin in WP's history and out-paced the Classic Editor plugin we also created. In numbers reflecting what people do, not just what they were saying, the results have been incredibly positive. Speaking of what people do, WP 5.0 has passed 2M downloads now!
Romero Mckay
@photomatt I completely understand and I’m sure your teams are genuinely trying to make things better. We only got a few days notice that 5.0 was going live :( Some of the top plugins for WP are not even ready and have tweeted that it was too sudden (Yoast SEO and AFC to name a few) this leaves a lot of things broken from our clients point of view. Take a look at the comments under the 5.0 post Again I “LOVE-LOVE” Wordpress and will continue to use it of course. It’s changed my life and has given me an amazing career so I hope I don’t sound like a moaning granddad lol I look forward to the future of WP and I hope things get better in the coming weeks.
Michael Musgrove
@photomatt @helloromero This was something that had no marketing plan. It was another top down decision that was hatched as an answer to some obvious competitive and strategic problems mounting for WP and developed in iterations as a way to force it down people's throats by the drop and to develop a product by making a thousand mistakes, failing fast and jumping from fire to fire and apologize or rationalize afterwards. It's Matt's management style. "Like it or lump it," with a bit of mob rule involved. WordPress uses a socialist structure more than democratic, in the way things are done and how it operates.
@helloromero @photomatt For those that don't want it, use the Classic Editor plugin addon first. Then, the Classic Editor. Your site will then prompt you to download wp 5 and my site remained perfect. I did do it in staging first. That might speak to reason downloads are high. Thankful I didn't have to deal with it. Good luck.
@photomatt @helloromero @mbmusgrove Why don't you ask for a REFUND?
Dan Dan
"The editor nobody asked for and no one deserves" coming to a Wordpress near you.
Ahmad Awais ⚡

As a core contributing developer of WordPress, I am super excited about Gutenberg. It's an audacious project built on top of JavaScript/React.js. This cutting edge editing experience is going to make building content with WordPress an excellent experience (if not now then in a year or so from now).


Gutenberg: The new JS based editing experience 👌


Content migrations from the classic editor is going to be tough but fruitful.

Jose Paul Martin
While blocks are a nice concept, there seems to be a lack of flow... When you're writing, you want to continue that flow... now I have to "think" about what block I need. You could think about a default writing note/plane and include blocks as a way to improve the content... but not as the main content.
Adam Preiser
Wow, we are literally all at ground zero of the future of the internet. [hype] WordPress was already the most open platform to build on, but with this new blocks concept, you can now build like never before. Blocks are about making everything easier to use Blocks are about making WordPress a tool for everyone Blocks are about opening doors to a new generation of users Blocks are about the future... [/hype] For realz, this new release is about "bringing sexy back" to WordPress. Bravo to WordPress's commitment to making the internet easier to build on. It's kinda hard to "Democratize Publishing" if the tools exclude non-techies ;-). Blocks have the potential to change that.
Miriam Schwab
Cool video! Thank you to all involved for your hard work on this groundbreaking new version. Now that it's out in the wild and we've passed the point of no return, I hope it goes as smoothly as possible...
Jinson Johny

I've been using wordpress since 2012. Apparently I've been using the classic editor for quite a long time. So switching between the new gutenberg view is going to confuse users like me for a while. Yet I feel its worth switching

I'm curious about how the existing plugins would support the same


Blocks are going to change the way wordpress was being used


Switching from classic editor

Austin ☃ Passy
Time to start a block party.
Eric Chapman

Nobody asked for this. Nobody wanted this. When people tried it, the general sentiment was to get rid of it. Yet, here it is and it might just be the beginning of the end for WordPress.





Maziar Firoozmand
Congratulations @photomatt and the great core team in WordPress! This for sure is a beginning of a new era in WordPress and eventually in history of web publishing.
Fraser Smith
I haven't used Wordpress for a while, but might just install this to see what the hype is all about.
Florin Muresan
I've been using it a lot since WordCamp Europe on some of my sites. It's really good for some types of websites. My personal WP site is now all Gutenberg-based. Since July. Squirrly works really well with both Gutenberg and the Classic Editor, and I think it's really nice that people can just switch between the two editors whenever they like. It's very easy to do this and it will give people a lot of freedom. The blocks are a really great idea and I can't wait to see more awesome block types created. And as a personal note: if more WordPress plugin and theme developers would actually work well with the guidelines given by WP, then Gutenberg wouldn't seem to cause "so many problems". Just said this here for those of you who will want to blame WP 5.0 for everything. All in all it's a good step forward.
Nitesh Manav
I am just commenting here to record my type-print to the beginning of this new history that is going to be re-written for the WordPress after 5.0 . Congratulations Team @Wordpress
Niklas Stephenson
This is what could get me to use Wordpress again.
Ant Ekşiler
Gutenberg is the most basic "page builder" you can find on the market right now. You can't do half of the stuff featured on the video properly. For example, you cannot even set background images to rows yet alone adjusting column widths based on screen size. People are going to use it as "post" layouts inside their blog, and then complain about the extra css and js files slowing their site 😉
Debarati Ghosh
It is convenient web designing software for Non- IT person.
Andy Saw
Thanks for leading the WordPress team for making WordPress 5.0 possible @photomatt !
Igor Ozherelyev
That's awesome!
Ben Clark
Nick Armentos
I was trying the "Gutenberg" Plugin that is "the same thing" and I still not adapted. The new Editor demand more time to format a simple text and I will need to "learn" to like this. 😞