Andrey Azimov

Y-Productive - Keep your work and distractions under control


Receive the real-time feedback about your work efficiency and the number of distractions.

Manage tasks, keep an eye on your performance and block distracting websites like Facebook, Reddit or Product Hunt to keep your unproductive habits under control.

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Ryan Hoover
Honored to have the Product Hunt logo included in the video as a blockable website. 🙏🏼
Alex Zhebryakov
@rrhoover ProductHunt is just so fun to scroll through that sometimes work goes aside :D
Alex Zhebryakov
Hi PH! I am Alex. In a first place, I’m a dad of a 2-year old son and a husband of a lovely wife. And only then I’m a developer and a co-founder who spends all his work time with a laptop. Every day, I want to finish my work on time, close that laptop and spend the evening with my family or have some rest. It’s easier said than done. Did you ever notice how much distractions at our computer prevent us from reaching the goal? Colleagues and friends ping every now and then; Unplanned tasks ruin our schedule; Facebook, YouTube, apps, and messengers spend budgets to develop features that will distract us for sure. Now, you were so focused, and... Our willpower is just not enough to handle the technological pressure. To improve, I need to know WHY the heck I visit Facebook or use that app for a half of an hour? Did it harm my productivity or was it work-related? In real-time, please. RescueTime or the analogs aren’t enough here. They either put a pile of “good-to-know” stats without any context on my head or are just too difficult to get through the UI every day. We aim to make Y-Productive a blend of the most useful features to track and improve your workflow. I and my teammates use it every day. How is it said? “Eat your own dog food”, right? Here is my productivity chart preparing for the launch for example: We spent a good year in a beta polishing the app so I hope to hear what you think about it. Let me know your thoughts or questions about Y-Productive! P.S. don't forget to use the promo code: MEOWPRODUCTIVE on a pricing page (wink)(wink) P.P.S. What's your opinion about the app? Maybe the field to improve or add new features? Would be glad to hear your thoughts, people!
Andrey Azimov
@alex_zhebryakov Congrats with the launch! I've beed first of beta users 1 year ago. The app improved a lot since that time. My favorite part is UI. Can you please share plans for the future? What other feature do you want to add?
Alex Zhebryakov
@andreyazimov thanks for asking! Our #1 goal is to implement the SmartCoach - an assistant that will provide useful tips during the day based on your habits. We require more users however to teach the AI. In the nearest future, we'll add the synchronization between different computers and the productivity profiles to switch the categorization on the fly for different work situations. Think work vs study or something similar. Maybe there's some feature that's missing on your mind? Would be glad to hear the opinion of everyone here.
Andrey Azimov
@alex_zhebryakov I think it would be great and you can start without AI. Just based on my data. Like best working average time. So If I start working at 9:00, 9:10, 9:20 recommendation could be 9:10 but if it keep increasing it should notify like "So supposed to work". So no AI needed.
Lera Shukatka
@alex_zhebryakov my problem is usually being productive on the laptop... right till I take the phone in the hands. i think I've heard that in a distant future you'd have a mobile app as well or am I just confused?
Alex Zhebryakov
@lera_shukatka we could, but not like "all the features of desktop YP for the phone". iOS, sadly, has very strict restrictions with third-party apps tracking the screen time or blocking other apps.
Pavlo Grozian

I left Rescue Time after figured out they a) constantly got hacked and b) they sell data. If you think it's not related — you're wrong. It get hacked to sell the data as well. Think, services like that should avoid using cloud, or if they are, it must provide top security level.


Good tool for tracking productivity. Think, macOS should provide it by defaults (as iOS will does since 12).


Security risk: collecting tons of private data and doesn't provide multi-factor authentication

Vladyslav Kopylash
@grozyan Thank you for a feedback. We are going to implement an option to store the data locally and do no use any cloud storage. We understand the security concerns of our customers and trying to adapt as fast as we can, but the resources of our startup are limited (we bootstrap it from own pockets), so it will take some time.
I was browsing RescueTime just yesterday to see how slow it develops. Now I see this! Greeat job team and Alex! Downloaded the free version, I'm sure I'll like it. Will reach out after trying! — Mo :)
Alex Zhebryakov
@morajabi thanks a lot! Be sure to reach out to us and share your impressions - it's our users who help us to make the app useful and friendly. We take all the feedback and ideas into the account and go through them on every meeting.
@alex_zhebryakov Ikr? Thank you for the sweet words. Love your work, and the fact that my product is in the same broad space as Y "Productive" 🙌
Peter Jones

The team is passionate about their mission/vision. I have high hopes for how this product will grow.


Best productivity application I've used; great data visualization identified causes of distraction quickly; made me more focused in days


Missing contextual tasks; sometimes email is a productive task, sometimes its an unproductive one :D

Ammar Alakkad

I'd like to have a free plan with minimum features.


Beautiful and modern design


No free plan like in Rescue Time

Roman Stolyar
Very useful extension. Been using it since January 2018 and you know what :) my productivity has increased a lot! Thank you guys
Alex Zhebryakov
@roman_stolyar it's delightful to hear that Y-Productive helps! Keep it up! :)
Tanya Zhebryakova
good luck, guys! proud!
Alex Zhebryakov
@tanya_zhebryakova love you! ❤
Andrey Kolesnik

Having used a number of productivity apps before, I can say most of such

apps focus on one of the aspects, only: e.g. time boxing, tasks organization etc. And none of those provide a complex solution, "all-in-one". Y-Productive is definitely one of pioneers here. It tracks your productivity in real time. In the focus mode, I have much more chances to complete the work. Feature of history/statistics makes me thinking about retrospective of my work, and it gives another bunch of motivation. Categories feature allows to "teach" the app constantly, and prevent a distraction next time.

I also know Y-Productive team works on the feature kind of "Smart Coach" - virtual assistant which gives an advice based on user behavior. I`m really starving to test it, since this sounds like real AI. Also, mobile app may become a logical extension to the current...


Cool UX/UI design and useful features - focus mode, reports, categories. My personal assistant who never sleeps and tracks my productivity.


Not really a con, but... I`m missing Focus Mode for desktop apps (Mac/Win). Now, Focus Mode works for browsers, only.

Dan Magidenko
Find it very ironic how I usually spend a lot of time on product hunt at work as a distraction only to love a product that would prevent me from doing this...awesome concept though
Alex Zhebryakov
@dan_magidenko :DD Yeah, I thought that too.
Pavlo Grozian
How about two-factor authentication?
Alex Zhebryakov
@grozyan it's a bit of an overhead, as for me. Would also need additional resource - which we don't have as for now. We fund the development ourselves.
Pavlo Grozian
@alex_zhebryakov well, you gain a lot of private data. Some of it is extremely sensitive. And you store this data in the cloud. In the year, where every week another big company with million-worth funding get hacked, and private data get exposed, I'd rather not use service that doesn't provide defaults of secure access.
Alex Zhebryakov
@grozyan you're right. Sorry, I didn't get what you meant at first. Of course, we're already working on the option to store the data locally, without the need to store it on servers. It's the solution we can actually implement considering the resources.
Duarte Martins
@grozyan @alex_zhebryakov When do you expect to roll this out?
Eric Lima

Saw it. Tried it. Signed up for it. Liked it immensely more than Rescuetime within a short while of use. Decided to stop using Rescuetime since I realized that it recorded plenty of information, but the experience wasn't really what I was hoping for when I started using it and I rarely checked the data. This app is cleaner upon first impressions and I've already found myself using it more and paying attention to what I'm doing and not doing more. Well done and looking forward to future updates.


Very nice to use & only takes a few minutes to get used to it. Already find it helping with productivity & being used more than Rescuetime.


All the people that are grumbling that the Maker is actually charging for something he made.

Sergey Kliepikov
Useful app! Really helps you to control and analyze your time
Alex Zhebryakov
@sergey_kliepikov glad to hear it! :)
Andrey Rozumnyi

Would really recommend to try out the app if you want to have a tool for focusing on your daily tasks.


Simple yet powerful tool with great UI/UX. Productivity counter and focus mode are really good features.


Maybe would be great to have Productive/Unproductive categorisation for different spheres (like work, self-learning, home etc.)

Alex Zhebryakov
By the way, people - if I may ask you a question. Are there certain goals or improvements you want to achieve for your workday or habits? Like, become more concentrated or spend less time on FB or YT, or earn more by achieving more? Your answer will help us to better understand what new features will be implemented :)
Michael Popchuk
Hey @alex_zhebryakov, my goal for using the app is to get a habit to plan a day and follow such plan. I tried achieving it with just a self-discipline, but it didn't really give a sustainable result. My hope is that Y-productive will help me to form such habit and support me in maintaining it. For now it seems that it will do the job. Do you by chance have any educational videos or articles on good practices of using the tool? I saw the hint on the main page but would appreciate more on the matter - like - what are the hints for reviewing the feedback? - what are the patterns I may observe? - how should I approach any negative patterns that I will observe? Or maybe you can recommend any relevant resource/book on the matter. Appreciate your response, M
Alex Zhebryakov
@michael_popchuk hi Michael! Thanks for sharing! We have an intro video when you sign in in the app. My team mate also wrote a nice article on topic: He shares tips on how to use Y-Productive in a most effective way. The main idea is that our time and energy for the day is limited, and we can use it a lot better. Hints on how to combine such methods with the app functionality included ;)
Lera Shukatka

I've been using the app for very long time and I'm completely amazed from the first day. It's not only functional but it's also beautiful and user-friendly (yes, a very important point!).

I had problems with working constantly on things but now it greatly improved and I know where I lose my time and work on improving that.


Easy to understand, ability to track where you lose your time, block unproductive web-sites.


I miss a mobile app but it's in developers plans :)

Ghost Kitty
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Alex Zhebryakov
@itsnblackburn thanks, Nathaniel! You deserve a bit of fame, as you actually noticed the app and its potential back then half a year ago. It's also a reason why YP is posted as YP-2 ;) Thanks for checking on the app, appreciate your care for how Y-Productive grows into the mature app! :)
Ghost Kitty
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Eugene Woronyuk
Good luck guys!
Francesco Di Lorenzo
Seems like an amazing product, good luck with the launch!
Alex Zhebryakov
@frankdilo thanks a lot! We put our hurt and sweat to do the best we can! :)