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Cix - Monitor your fitness data in Virtual Reality.


• Heart Rate Estimate
• Local Time
• Squat Counter
• Daily Calorie Goal
• YUR Leveling (1-60) Unlock Watches
• PIN Login
• Mobile Apps (iOS, Android)
• FlagShip Games: Sairento, RacketNX, OhShape, Synth Riders (Quest)
• Integration for any Unity game

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Dilan Shah
🔥Hey, hope you're doing well sheltering-in-place hunters! 🔥 We revamped the YUR VR experience for the sake of familiarity and a more discreet interface. We are proud to announce the first virtual watch of its kind, What is it? A brand new interface for YUR starting with Quest games: 😲OhShape, 🎾RacketNX, ⚔️Sairento, and 🕺🏽Synth Riders. YUR will allow you to track fitness metrics without any wearable heart rate monitors from a virtual watch interface in VR. Special thanks to Abhay Agarwal at Standard Notation. Over the course of the last quarter we've seen an incredible shift in the world due to COVID-19, people are looking for new avenues to stay active while at-home. Now, over 5.1+ million workouts have been logged by over 60,000 users; and with so much time spent at home now is the time to join them. Our leveling system, which relies on XP you gain as you burn calories, will allow you to unlock new tiered watches in these games. Download these games for Oculus Quest, and note you'll have to visit settings to toggle on YUR: OhShape: RacketNX: Sairento: Synth Riders: VR apps available at our main website: iOS: Android: FAQs: Contact: Support: - Dilan, Co-founder @ YUR
Matic Uzmah
Hi Dilan! Great product, will this work in any VR game?
@matic_uzmah1 @amirul It supports Quest for now, the desktop app works with the Vive. Synth riders one of the games does support Vive.
Naomi Assaraf 🔥
The YUR app is amazing to stay motivated. Amazing to see it in this format! Guess I won’t need an Apple Watch soon! 😀
Sahin San
This product will change the way VR is used! The base product was already amazing, I can't wait to use the watch full time!
Great product! Thanks for your launching
Looking forward to showing this off this week! Crazy about this addition.
Robin Cua
Awesome. Love the idea! Now I can keep track of my fitness metrics without wearing any physical watch. The future is here.
Dilan Shah
@robin_cua Great to work with you 💯
@robin_cua Thanks Robin!
Trastour Vincent
Hey ! How does this work ? How do you implemant such a program inside a game ? Do you need to add some code into the core of the game ?
Dilan Shah
@trastour_vincent It's added to a game via a Unity SDK from us including the watch interface and models & YUR technology.
Alican Vergin
Such a cool product! I don't know much about the copyright issues, but have you considered implementing Fallout pip-boy or Predator like styles/skins as well?
Dilan Shah
@alicanvergin skins are potentially in our future
@alicanvergin we have heard a lot from game devs on this. Withstanding their own skins and implementations.
great thanks.
Pierre Faure
Amazing, can't wait to try that!
Tilen Kegl
Looks legit, the calorie counting is actually pretty comparable to my polar, just checked. Kudos to the team!
Vinicius Dilay
the future of VR is finally here! really excited to make part of such a wonderful project! O futuro em VR finalmente está chegando! muito animado por fazer parte de um projeto tão incrível!
Dilan Shah
@viniciusdilay Great work on the iOS app Vinicius
@viniciusdilay Thanks Vini!
Ryan Magoon
Downloaded the app on my iPhone X, logged in with my google account, immediately crashed... now crashes on startup every time.
@ryan_magoon We just ran an update to address this
@ryan_magoon I believe it's already pushed.
Dilan Shah
@ryan_magoon can confirm that we shipped a patch that has gone live for this issue!
@ryan_magoon Hey Ryan, how is it working now?
Matic Uzmah
Downloaded Synth Riders, was a fan of Beat Saber but this has multiplayer!
Timofey Panov
Future is here!) 🙌
Oliver Pecha
This watch is dope!
Dilan Shah
@oliverpecha Thanks for the support Oliver
@oliverpecha Thanks Oliver!
Ken Savage
@dilan_shah and @cixliv have been on fire these last few months rolling out great product to the VR community. Another reason to put aside the Fornite and Doom games and have fun with VR games where you can collect real XP and get a workout too. Win!
@dilan_shah @kensavage thanks so much Ken!
Orville Whittington
Love it, brilliant idea.
Lisa Morrison
Awesome. Love the idea! and lunch product.
@lisamorrison3 You mean launch? :)