Siobhan O'Rorke

Zenkit for Android - Work with Zenkit on the go

Zenkit for Android is the entire Zenkit project management experience in your pocket. Whether you're at the office, running errands, or 30,000ft up in the air, you can work with your data.

With this release, you can now work offline - in the app, on the web (!), wherever you are. Zenkit is super fast, even if your connection isn't.

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Martin Welker
Hello Product Hunt! We’re super excited about this release. We worked really hard to make sure that all the things you love about Zenkit would be in the app too. In addition to being able to use a fully featured project management platform on your mobile device, we also spent a lot of time making it work offline or with a slow internet connection. The app has both read and write capabilities, so if you’re more comfortable on your mobile device, there is no reason you can’t manage the entire project without ever using a regular desktop computer. We’re proud of what we’ve made and look forward to hearing what you all think. Cheers, Martin Welker, founder and CEO of Zenkit
Celik Nimani
Excited to see the Android app, and it looks quite useful, however, I'm a heavy iOS user so I was wondering when do you plan to launch an iOS app for this side of the user bunch?
Siobhan O'Rorke
@celiknimani We have an iOS app! We launched the original one a while ago, but we completely re-engineered it and launched the new version along with Android. You can get it here:
Siobhan O'Rorke
@celiknimani It's a pleasure :) Enjoy!
Tomás Sandoval Phelan

I've tried many platforms already (Still using them for other projects) I started with Zenkit for a new venture and it is working wonders! Many features that differentiate them from the others.


I think it a the best co-working solution out there. It helps you document everything, be agile and it grows with your project.


Maybe some details but it is more a personal thing than anything else. Nonetheless, the features are very useful and that's what counts!

Siobhan O'Rorke
Thank you so much Tomas! I'm glad you like it. I hope the Android app works out for you. Feel free to email us with any of the details you mentioned - 👏🏼
Karl Guenther
Agreed. The ability to start with a mindmap and move to project management via the other views is wonderful! Regarding the mindmap ... could we have: 1) ability to save to .png (and have full-text displayed)?; 2) ability to view details from distant perspectives (as we navigate to full-screen map views? Your layout to the mindmaps is the best I've used so far, but it's hard to manage team discussions when the text is cut off.
Francesco D'Alessio
Nice leap forward for Zenkit!
Siobhan O'Rorke
@francescod_ales thanks Francesco!
Eric Ebert
@francescod_ales Thanks Francesco! I'm sure you'll really be able to see the difference in th iOS app! Let us know if you think of anything we might be missing.
William Feng

I see great potential in this product, better than Trello. But must fix few issues: speed, drop-outs, data loss due to drop-outs, keyboard shortcuts (for web version). I'm a heavy user of products of this kind, I've been using the web version for ~ a year, except for the issues mentioned, love it!


Wonderful views, field calculations, custom fields, filters


slow, connection issue

Siobhan O'Rorke
Thank you, William! We're always working on improving the speed of the app, and the drop-out issues you mentioned should definitely get fewer over time. Shortcuts are on the roadmap - if you have any specific wishes for them, pleaase feel free to send them to
Jan König
Cool stuff, congrats on the launch! Love the offline feature. Any improvements on the iOS side as well?
Siobhan O'Rorke
@einkoenig Yep! Completely re-engineered. Get the update here:
Vince McConville
Finally the thing I have been waiting for to complete my transition from Trello - Zenkit for Android. Well done it fits the bill for me :-)
Eric Ebert
@vmcconville Thanks Vince! I'm so glad you like it. I really appreciate the feedback you've given us and let me know if you have more! :)
Kishore Bhargava
App looks great on Android. Good move ahead, keep it up!
Jessica Ludwig
@kishorebhargava Thanks so much, Kishore! Feel free to ping us if you think of any improvements we could make :)
Ryan O'Rorke
Good luck & Congrats on the launch guys!
Siobhan O'Rorke
@ryano7 Thanks Ryan! We're super stoked to finally release it! 😊
Alex Owens

THE app I was waiting for. Seriously.


It's like Wunderlist's uglier, but much, much, much more smarter sister.


A bit slow syncing, but guess that's a matter of the app being totally new?

Siobhan O'Rorke
Thanks for your feedback Alex! We're still working on our makeup, but we'll take 'smart' any day 💄 What would you suggest we change?
Rostane Gribi

Great app so far, looking forward for a widget or any other way to easily add a new task on the go.


The simple interface of my computer on my phone, love it !


Slighlty slower on longer lists... If you can wait 1&1/2 sec more :)

Siobhan O'Rorke
Thank you, Rostane! Widgets & long press support are on our roadmap, and we're always working on improving the speed 🛵
Lucas Traba

I love it, keep up the great work!


An overall wonderful app.


Needs recurring tasks.

Siobhan O'Rorke
Thanks so much, William! Recurring tasks are in development - we'll announce when they're ready on our blog, social media & newsletter, so keep your eyes peeled!
Konstantin Taranov

Its awesome web app with huge posibility of customization and real 2-way synhronization with Google calendar. Awesome app!


Its trello killer


Better - no, similar yes

Siobhan O'Rorke
Thank you, Konstantin! I'm glad you like it! If you ever have any ideas or feedback for us, please reach out to