
The ultimate augmented reality measuring toolkit
17 reviews

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What do people think of AirMeasure?

The community submitted 17 reviews to tell us what they like about AirMeasure, what AirMeasure can do better, and more.

5/5All time (17 reviews)
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Alexander Sysoenko
14 reviews

I would say that in the case of the AirMeasure app the AR-technology played the role of disruptor: before we had a pair consisted of a measuring device and measurable object. And it was necessary that a living reality should interpose in order for measurement relations to acquire a different dimension)) We can talk about some inaccuracy or the excessive complexity of working with the interface but the most important thing has already happened - a new context has emerged that changed relations with surrounding world

16 reviews

No more to say.

Shravani Sadineni
3 reviews

Moving the hand along the surface in a straight line may be tricky for some people

Arkadiy Oganian
1 review

I think it is a great app. How does it works?? Phone doesn't has laser to measure the distance...

Canaan Gonzalez
1 review

This app is a great app, needs improvements , but it’s a great app overall

Sai shyam g
3 reviews
Maxie Matthiessen
1 review

Thumbs up

1 review

I must learn how to how to use it.

2 reviews
Aleksandr Tamakov
1 review

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