Overall I give this a yes because what littler box is perfect? They are just gross overall and I think Boxscoop has enough pros for me to recommend. That said here are my pros and cons:
I thought it might be too small at first but my two cats have no issues using it. I visited friends who also had a top entry litterbox and it looked about the same size so it’s all good.
The scooping mechanism works well. I’ve used both clumping litter and Dr Elseys senior crystals (similar to pretty litter). That part really does take like 5 seconds.
The box is plastic but a very smooth coated plastic so waste kinda slides right off when I have to clean and replace litter. Which is a pleasure vs scraping and cleaning with paper towels that always end up unfolding and sprinkling wet soggy litter everywhere (IYKYK)
Which leads me to the cons:
Because it scoops/rakes/sifts the waste from the bottom up it means all the pee gets all surfaced to the top. This isn’t as much of an issue with clumping litter but with the crystal litter the pee absorbed crystals get all mixed in and are left in the top as they sift through the metal softer. Which has made me have to switch the litter a bit more often BUT it’s two cats using it so with one it could be just fine!
The big scoop is great- it has a little grabbers on the back so it clips on to the edge of the box. The metal scooper fits right in it- easy to dump the clumps. But to get it in position to dump you really gotta get handsy with the scoop- so I’m touching old pee and poop residue. Which is gross. That said I’m a cat owner so *shrug. Once it is filled with the scooped waste you then need to get handsy all over again and wiggle jiggle it off. So it’s not like 1,2,3, easy peasy. It’s easy but there’s some sacrifice. This def adds more time to the whole process.
You have to move the metal sifter to one of two positions to scoop. Then back to the other slot to close the box. It can be a little confusing. Once you get the hang of it, it’s ok but for cat sitters I’m def going to have to leave detailed directions. Sometimes I put it back and then struggle to get the lid on because it’s not lined up perfectly- it’s just sort of a “ugh c’mon already” thing.
The last critique is the one where I thought- hmmm maybe I don’t like this box. Man is it a MAJOR pain to clean when time to dump all the litter out. It’s round so I need to get some lawn and leaf bags so it can fit around the circumference and make it easier- but until then it’s just annoying to awkwardly lift this big old round thing and try to pour it into a garbage bag. My head is real close to the bathroom zone when lifting it up.
So- yeah if you’re looking for a box that will inspire you to clean more, I think you’ll like BoxScoop. Is it perfect? Sadly not, but like I said what is? The stink level has really been controlled in our house because you can’t really let things go with this box. And it IS easy- just not the super duper time saver due to the positioning of the scoop, getting the scoop off, putting the metal
Scoop back to the right position, putting the top on so it aligns- it’s all a little fiddly which takes time BUT IT IS still kinda better than the traditional way.
Boxscoop 2.0