What do you think about CoinSwitch?
What do people think of CoinSwitch?
The community submitted 25 reviews to tell us what they like about CoinSwitch, what CoinSwitch can do better, and more.
Users like us who join these affiliate programs need to make sure of 2 major thing: On-time payments! and Dependability
So I had like if you had mention min payout on the landing page directly. I found my answer after signup on profile page though :)
The link which says "Powered by Coinswitch" should have my referral link or you should somehow have some mechanism to associate those users as my referrals, along with all users who signup on my instant exchange too.
Few suggestion on the Configure Section
1. Probably shift every selected coin at start after selection and show count.
2. Have a review page for coin maybe? scrolling through the list was a bit painful.
3. Would have helped if the coins list was sorted.
4. Would have helped if you had easier option to select all coins I had selected in "To Coin" selection to "From Coin"
5. Ability to select default selected coins.
Would also love if I could configure the selected exchange currencies and from amount via query string this sending targeted users to my instant exchange.
Loved the idea. Would be great if you can give an embed into your website feature.
Your product makes it very easy for anyone to setup their own exchange. The experience is very intuitive and benefits are great as well.
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