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Know when and how to respond to security incidents, every time. ⚡️
1 review

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What do people think of ContraForce?

The community submitted 1 review to tell us what they like about ContraForce, what ContraForce can do better, and more.

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Jennifer Bergman
1 review
Thank you ContraForce for creating a simple yet effective product, and we highly recommend!! ContraForce enables us to manage our cybersecurity efforts without a dedicated cybersecurity team. We're too big to rely on a dedicated MSP but too small for an internal security team. ContraForce allows our IT team to consolidate security tools into one platform and quickly respond to incidents. Further, we're a Microsoft shop, so ContraForce allows us to optimize existing investments without purchasing other products. Note – the automated gamebooks and ability to observe data source activity has been extremely useful for our team!

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