Let me be the first to say - I'm HIGHLY skeptical of "paid communities", so when Council.Club came across my desk (formerly, as CoWop) - I was equally dubious. Boy, *was I wrong* -- Najeeb and Council.Club are the real deal - I would say I have personally experienced real benefit from C.C in terms of:
- A simple, easy to use, mobile-responsive forum-type community where brilliant people ask brilliant questions and get sharp answers.
- A series of roundtables and meets that (when I am able - errp...) keep me accountable and learning - challenging my assumptions as well as helping me grow.
- Access to Najeeb himself, which, having previously devoured FLUID, his stellar book with associated templates & assets, was even better than my already stratospheric expectations.
-- in times like this, a sense of community means more than ever. I can unequivocally recommend to anyone reading this that they at least read into Council.Club a little further - especially if you find yourself at a personal or professional juncture that strikes you as either taxing, vexxing, exciting but anxiety-inducing, or all of the above... I know I did, and I couldn't be happier.
Congrats on the post, @itsnajeeb - here's hoping we see some new faces 'round the table (see what I did there?) from this bump!