

Swap faces in the images, videos with just one click
78 reviews

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What do people think of Facehub.live?

The community submitted 78 reviews to tell us what they like about Facehub.live, what Facehub.live can do better, and more.

3.4/5All time (78 reviews)
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2 reviews
Paid credits, used to work before. But the site has been unusable for the past 1-2 months no response from the developer or any support as well
pablo esco
2 reviews
What are they thinking?? I mean really?? Completely ignoring their customers smh. It is a great service they just need to get their shit together!! Why does the one face swap site that gives the best results give the shittiest customer service?? Are they trying to tank their business and let it burn to the ground? F if another face swap was just as good I would have ditched Facehub already. Unfortunately it has the best results, but worst customer service! Fix your site and let us pay for credits!!
Joe Elbana
1 review
The app is good and all but currently I can't access it anymore it keeps telling me "Server 500 error please try again." I hope this issue is fixed soon so I can get back to swapping.
1 review
It is the best but since yesterday im getting 500 error server when I want to upload a photo.
Retardo Bastage
1 review
They have stopped maintaining their site and the domain appears set to expire Edit: They responded to my email confirming they were shuttering operations and would be issuing a refund to all involved. Mine already cleared so I appreciate that..
That this
1 review
The best. But lately i get this problem " server500 error" I can't use it anymore and I don't know why
Kate Rome
1 review
cant use it, only get 500 server error all day every day for anything and everything you try to do.
1 review
500 server error. When is it ever going to be fixed? Is it even working or a dead app?
Alexander M.
18 reviews
I don't condone using Face Swap for NSFW and really don't like it when companies advertise that side of themselves.
Elina Xavier
1 review
Why is it not working and showing server error for the last 15+ days. Please fix it 🙏 I request please get this site back to normal please fix 🙏

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