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HTML to Framer

HTML to Framer

Move your site to Framer, one copy paste at a time
3 reviews

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What do people think of HTML to Framer?

The community submitted 3 reviews to tell us what they like about HTML to Framer, what HTML to Framer can do better, and more.

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Ali Attaran
2 reviews
eh, it's not that accurate
Masum Parvej
12 reviews
HTML to Framer, huh? So, we're literally ctrl+C, ctrl+V-ing the web now? 😂 But honestly, this is the level of user-centric convenience I've been daydreaming about during those long design sessions. Can't wait to give this a whirl and cut some corners (in the best way possible!). Great hustle, team! 💾➡️🎨
Philipp Shay
50 reviews
Congratulations! You are fantastic. I will share this tool with my designer, and it's an incredibly useful tool for all designers. Do you have plans to integrate it with Figma?