Kegerator Vending Machine

Kegerator Vending Machine

On-tap craft beverage vending for commercial spaces
3 reviews
1 follower

What is Kegerator Vending Machine?

A Kegerator Vending Machine (KVM) allows commercial buildings to offer craft beverages on-tap to consumers, where most convenient. Customers simply swipe their card, select the beverage they want on the touch-screen display, and begin to pour.

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Review Kegerator Vending Machine?

5/5 based on 3 reviews


Alex Kilkka
1 review

Easy to use. I can tell a lot of attention went into the design.

sirena laguana
3 reviews

As a marketer, I’d be interested in seeing if the screen will have ad playing capabilities in the future. It’s the perfect few seconds where you have a visitors attention.

Timothy Corey
1 review

The UI is beautiful and they nailed the UX. Tap, Swipe, Pour - simple as 1,2,3.