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  • Landbot.io

    No Code Chatbot Builder
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    What do people think of Landbot.io?

    The community submitted 201 reviews to tell us what they like about Landbot.io, what Landbot.io can do better, and more.
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    4.4/5All time (20 reviews)
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    201 Reviews
    Thiago Dias
    1 review
    Very good experience. Never had any troubles.
    Anna MG
    Anna MG
    inno-liderazgo y transformación digital
    1 review
    Great product 👏🏻
    Andy Kula
    Andy Kula


    4 reviews
    A good solution! Are you planning to implement ChatGPT or are you planning to write an artificial intelligence stack yourself?
    Paula Pons
    I love marketing
    1 review
    It is very easy to make integrations and create your bot.
    Esther V
    Esther V
    1 review
    The experience with Landbot has exceeded my expectations
    Gloria Jean
    Co-founder of coftical.com
    7 reviews
    Mike Ivars

    Founder & Leadership

    13 reviews
    Lore Maene
    Head of product development
    5 reviews
    The tool has done some awesome upgrades in the past months. Went from slow to work on to extremly nice user experience. There are an incredible amount of options with the bots and the system is easy to understand. Very happy with the growth they take as a product. However recentely they have made a change in the amount of characters an answer can have in there button element and after complaining there is no promise of a possible overwrite of this limitation that comes out of nowhere. For me this is a blocking element that might force me to change where I really love landbot otherwise. Please landbot: make this limitation go away!
    Adam Williams
    Love Product, SaaS, Tools, Cust success
    4 reviews

    Brilliant product, excited to see where it goes. Fun to use if you enjoy trying to create engaging and human conversational flows. *nerd alert*

    Two things I don't love: 1. Needs work for our mobile visitors. Looks zoomed out and far from optimal for a mobile visitor, a bad experience on this is worse than no experience at all, so a bit of a showstopper for me at the moment, for risk of providing a bad experience (no way of tracking or following this experience to check it's going smooth for mobile visitors, so a tiny risk to go live with if have lots of visitors on mobile)

    Secondly, at the end of every flow on the freemium a "share this Landbot" button appears alongside a CTA to create their own. Obviously, I get it, it's a free product, do what you want. If I want to remove that, I can pay to do so. Just my personal opinion, and more feedback than a request, is that I think it's a bad time to "Hijack" MY visitors attention to market YOUR product at what is often for these forms, the critical moment, the end. They're at a decision crossroads. We've just exchanged information, i've taken them on this journey, and then BAM, you come and sweep them off their feet and they forget all the sweet nothings they and i whispered to each other.

    My only point is, IF others have this gripe too, they might leave and not give the product a chance to become part of their paid stack, instead of upgrading straight away to remove this barrier to them. If this barrier didn't exist, (your branding is still on the page top right anyway), they may implement, become an active user, and give you plenty of time to convert them to a paid plan as you continue to execute and improve the product from now on out.

    Keep up the great work.

    Evie Wong
    Evie Wong
    Product manager
    1 review
    The bot on the official website is very human-like and marrrrvellous~~Makes me want to build one as well