What do you think about Livestorm?
What do people think of Livestorm?
The community submitted 56 reviews to tell us what they like about Livestorm, what Livestorm can do better, and more.
I really had to stretch to find something to improve, but the MadKudu team loves LiveStorm. Their Zapier connection helped us quickly connect MadKudu to LiveStorm to score registrants as they signed up, and we can't wait to see this product grow & evolve!
Without a doubt, the best webinar software on the market. Great user experience for both hosts and attendees!
We use Livestorm for Sales Webinars every week since 1 year. More than 600 Leads generated!
I am using for my weekly demos and occasional webinars ! I love the tool.
Sleek product, finally usable stats, easy follow ups done after the webinar, perfect for B2B
I'm in sales and i would have never thought that a marketing tool like webinar could be helpful
I'm following this product since the early days. It's crazy to see how it has evolved in a great way. This is one of the solutions that I recommend every time someone is looking for webinar software.
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