

Get your mobile app localized in seconds, not days
2 reviews

What is LocalizeYourApp?

Localize your mobile app into 34 languages in seconds with just a few clicks. Upload your strings file, and you'll get your localization files for any platform. No need to copy-paste strings, no more waiting for freelancers, and no out-of-context translations.

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5/5 based on 2 reviews


Anastasiia Hordiienko
7 reviews
How does it support multiple languages and handle different character sets or regional nuances? Are there tools for testing translations within the app environment, and how does it ensure that localization maintains the app's functionality and user experience?
Alina Samsina
3 reviews
LocalizeYourApp features a functional design, cool stuff, indeed. Can you tell more about how the design was tailored to support the localization process efficiently?