What do you think about Loffi Glove?
What do people think of Loffi Glove?
The community submitted 11 reviews to tell us what they like about Loffi Glove, what Loffi Glove can do better, and more.
Love this and have ordered a pair. Sometimes as a cyclist you may want an unhappy face but at least these gloves make you rise above that (albeit in a passive aggressive way) and take the moral high ground by being positive in every situation :-)
No gimmick - Well built gear with an edge.
The gloves create awareness on and off the road with a positive force, even at tricky times. Unassuming and fun.
I've worn these in all weather and they aren't a gimmick. Wales isn't forgiving and i've worn these in crisp mornings and driving rain. Built with the commuter in mind I thought they were going to have limits but so far so good, bring on the snow...
I love what these guys do, they put their mission across really clearly and the product is proof of the careful process they’ve gone through to make it.
What is really nice about the idea is that it is proactive rather than reactive. I've seen more than one smile returned while cycling, and once someone's smiling at you, they're more likely to let you into their lane without any huffing!
Cycling in London is manic at the best of times. The gloves are a really positive and fun contribution to the roads and I am already seeing the benefits of a wave and a smile