What do you think about Magic Leap?
What do people think of Magic Leap?
The community submitted 44 reviews to tell us what they like about Magic Leap, what Magic Leap can do better, and more.
Until AR is integrated into the same type of your normal glasses you wear daily, that can blend in without much notice, it will always struggle to take off.
Not seeing anything innovative here. If anything, they're adding components and complexity over existing solutions.
This product looks amazing and fun. As if you can immerse yourself in a whole other world or planet. Would be great for educational purpose for let's say astronomy or biology if it's 3-D and for all ages. Wondering what type of coding will be used and if web developers will have to learn a whole new language for designing for this device. Also, will the product create a whole new batch of coders? Will it Be just graphics or video too?
Been closley watching Magic Leap and very keen to try these out, I held back on Snap's spectacles for these. I want to know how the haptic feedback works on these as I am keen to check them out and sync with my SubPac - just need the games/software to really augment my reality.
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