Material UI

Material UI

A CSS Framework that Implements Google's Material Design
7 reviews3 shoutouts

Maker Shoutouts

Testimonials from top launches

MUI for VS Code
Ayaan Gill
used this to buildMUI for VS CodeMUI for VS Code
(177 points)
MUI is a great library that I've been using for a while that makes implementing Google's Material Design guidelines super easy.
Atomic CRM
Caroline Schneider
used this to buildAtomic CRMAtomic CRM
(109 points)
Material UI is an open-source React component library that implements Google's Material Design. We have been using it for several of our open-source projects.
Something Like
Vasily Ovchinnikov
used this to buildSomething LikeSomething Like
(65 points)
You want your stuff to look decent from the get go, but are no graphic designer? MUI is a great start for that.