What do you think about Meow - AR Cat?
What do people think of Meow - AR Cat?
The community submitted 43 reviews to tell us what they like about Meow - AR Cat, what Meow - AR Cat can do better, and more.
I generally play Meow at home, after school. I play it because it is actually an entertaining game and helps me to spend some time. I downloaded Meow from App Store, because I really liked the AR technology and some articles were pointing to Meow. As long as you add everything you can do with a cat, it will be an awesome AR game. More foods, more games can be added. I only wish there weren’t only 3 fur colors, so I hope a few more are added soon. Good luck with you future game/s.
Ever since Apple announced their ARKit, I’ve been trying to frantically to find the best application leveraging AR. I remember the first game really capturing me was Ghost AR, but that lasted no more than 20 min. It wasn’t until Meow AR when I started realizing that AR on mobile could actually keep me entertained and wanting to come back. Even though i still believe that the real future of AR is special hardware. I’d say that Meow AR is the top of the current gen.
I love this app!Fun game for kids to play too!! A couple of things I would suggest as far as development requests..I hope this cat is smarter, able to really understand what I say, and can talk to me.
I am really crazy about little animals, especially cats. I have talked to my mum about keeping a cat several times, but every time my mum refused, which upset me a lot. Although I am in high school now, mum still doesn't allow me to keep a cat. As a result, I can only download pet-keeping games in my phone. But those cats are all false. I can only do some inflexible operations facing my phone and can't have any interaction with my cat. These factors give me a terrible experience. Recently, I saw my friend Linda playing an AR pet-keeping game called Meow! AR cat. I loved her when I saw the cute kitten rolling around in front of you. I fell in love with this game at once. I downloaded it with my iPhone immediately. This cat can be controlled by voice and can understand what I say. I can even record a lot of videos playing with her. I can truly feel the existence of the little cat, which is totally different from any other pet-keeping game. She just stay in my pocket quietly. As long as I want to see her, she will appear at once. I also give my cat a pleasant name Taylor, which is the same as my idol's name. Most importantly, my mum finally agreed to my keeping Taylor! I want to tell this good news to all the cat lovers and those who want to keep a pet but isn't allowed by their mums. As long as you have an iPhone, you can keep an unique cat belonging to you only.
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