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  • Moveo.AI


    Personalized AI virtual agents trained on your data
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    What do people think of Moveo.AI?

    The community submitted 31 reviews to tell us what they like about Moveo.AI, what Moveo.AI can do better, and more.
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    5/5All time (31 reviews)
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    31 Reviews
    Leandro Gonzalez

    Founder & Leadership

    1 review
    Started talking to the Moveo AI team early on and they were great at walking us through all the stages of the process, gave us demos and really took our input and needs into consideration
    George Karagiannis
    Thank you Leandro, it's great working with you :)
    Philipp Shay

    Founder & Leadership

    50 reviews
    Hello! You have a great product that you're showing us today. Good luck and congratulations. I have a few notes: 1. Your pricing plan is a bit complex. I don't understand how much I can use and what it's for. There are many options and the flexibility doesn't seem very good for a SaaS. 2. Are you using the ChatGPT + vectorDB approach? 3. What is your main market focus? Is it mostly SaaS, e-commerce, EdTech or others? Thank you!
    Panos Karagiannis
    Hi Philipp thanks for your feedback: (1) We tried to base our pricing mostly on usage but definitely your comment helps and pushes us to keep things simple (2) Its a little more complex than the vanilla "ChatGPT+vector search" to ensure no hallucinations, good scaling etc. (3) We have been mostly focusing on costumer support across many verticals such as Ecommerce, gaming, fintech etc.
    With 69% of leaders in the customer service sector planning to invest more in artificial intelligence in the coming year, the trend is clear: the customer service industry is ready to embrace the benefits of artificial intelligence. Moveo is here with the most powerful solution, no matter where I searched. Immediate support, strong design, user-friendliness.
    Panos Karagiannis
    Thanks a lot for the feedback and support Achillea. Our team has worked tirelessly to develop a powerful solution that not only caters to the increasing demand for AI-driven customer service but also prioritizes immediate support, strong design, and user-friendliness. We believe these elements are crucial for providing a seamless and efficient experience for both businesses and their customers. We greatly appreciate your positive feedback and look forward to continuing to deliver exceptional AI-powered solutions to meet the evolving needs of the customer service industry. If you have any questions or need further information about Moveo, please feel free to reach out!
    Federico Cayrol
    Co founder
    1 review
    With Moveo AI I improved CSAT by 30%. CS is in another level.
    German Attanasio
    Thanks for being a valuable customer and always giving us feedback!
    Anna Kasumova
    Co-founder & marketer at Ploito.com
    103 reviews
    Dear makers of Moveo! Congrats on the launch! This idea is good, and I think it's very actual for all companies with support-agents. We have our own business (CRM system) and we know, that it's really very hard to teach agents to answer correct, and to support omnichannel. I don't like bots answering to me, but AI is not a bot so I understand that it will really better if a "new-born" agent. Website is clear, no issues to understand what do you offer. Pricing is clear too.
    German Attanasio
    Anna, Thanks for the review we have customers who use our platform to train their new human agents. We also serve as an internal tool to help experienced agents draft answers more quickly. We can ingest past tickets or conversations and integrate with existing systems to find the answers.
    Manolis Gavalas


    1 review
    It's perfect product all of the world
    German Attanasio
    Thanks Manolis!
    Vicky Goulou
    Managing a B2B SaaS company in Greece
    1 review
    Excellent UI/UX, a modern power tool to support all your customer-facing operations. Human-like and intuitive!
    Felya Bilgen
    Digital Marketing Manager
    3 reviews
    Revolutionary! 🌟 A huge congratulations on your Product Hunt launch! 🎉 I also love the 100% off 1st-month option! AI-powered automation is inspiring, and the pricing strategy makes it even more appealing 👏
    Panagiota Gkotsi
    Thank you so much Felya for the review and support!!!
    I was surprised at how easy the product is to use and how much return it brings in the operation
    German Attanasio
    Thanks for the feedback Gabriel. We want to make the product easy to use and no-code
    Thanos Psichalas
    1 review
    Great product! Keep up the amazing work!