What is OpExams?
OpExams makes designing, administering, and grading exams easy and headache free, and provides you with actionable insights to improve the performance of your students and institute.
#exams #quizzes #exam-designer #auto-grading #learning-outcome #teachers #AI #online-exams #paper-exams.
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AI Questions Generator - Generate questions from any text or topic
OpExams question generator helps you generate questions from any text. You can generate multiple choice questions, true or false, fill in the blanks, and open questions. You can also save the generated questions and use them in your exams.
OpExams Classrooms - Free webpage creator for your classrooms
Create a free webpage for your classroom and share it with your students. You can add text, links, files, and more. You can also create multiple sections and organize your materials.
Create a classroom webpage in 10 seconds completely for free
OpExams - The smarter way to design, administer & grade exams
OpExams makes designing, administering, and grading exams easy and headache free, and provides you with actionable insights to improve the performance of your students.
#exam-designer #auto-grading #learning-outcome #teachers #AI #online-exams #paper-exams