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  • Piiano Vault

    Piiano Vault

    Secure cloud storage for PII,PHI,PCI,KYC with simple APIs
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    What do people think of Piiano Vault?

    The community submitted 42 reviews to tell us what they like about Piiano Vault, what Piiano Vault can do better, and more.
    What do you think about Piiano Vault?
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    5/5All time (42 reviews)
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    42 Reviews
    Liran Grinberg
    1 review
    Moty Michaely
    Founder @ Crazy Ant Labs
    1 review
    Congratulations on the launch 🚀🎉 Awesome product! Developer oriented and friendly, with great documentation and support team, easy to integrate with and makes us meet our heavy compliance requirements with ease!
    Free Dew
    Free Dew
    Hi :)
    1 review
    Excited for the launch, we've been waiting for it for a long time. Looks really great and useful!
    Ofir Ehrlich
    1 review
    I admit that at first I was skeptical, was concerned about integration, performance, security and usability. However, as I started to use it, the integration was almost seamless and very smooth, operations and performance are great and usability is amazing! Also, you have to check the docs here, the team @ Piiano did an AMAZING job. I will definitely continue to use it and recommend to friends and colleagues!
    Nimrod Kramer
    Co-Founder, CEO @ daily.dev
    30 reviews
    Piiano Vault is a fantastic solution for both startups and large corporates that deal with sensitive customer data. As a CEO, I'm constantly looking for ways to improve our data security and ensure that we're in compliance with privacy regulations. Piiano makes it easy to do both, without having to worry about the technical details. One of the things I appreciate most about Piiano is how easy it is to integrate into our existing systems. With their RESTful APIs and ORM integrations for Python, Java, and TypeScript, developers are able to quickly implement data encryption and other security features. The documentation and sample apps provided by Piiano also makes the integration process a breeze. Another huge benefit of Piiano Vault is how much time it saves. Instead of spending hours building encryption and managing encryption keys, you can focus on improving your product and serving your customers. Overall, I highly recommend Piiano Vault to any company looking to improve their data security and comply with privacy regulations. The product is easy to use, reliable, and backed by an amazing team. Followup question - what is your vision going forward?
    Talia Turgeman
    2 reviews
    Eng, Investor, Poet
    3 reviews
    Looks good. Thanks for sharing!
    Oded Regev


    1 review
    We were waiting a long time for this type of solution. Sensitive data should be stored in a separate vault in an easy and intuitive way. Finally here is a solution with a "developer first" approach.
    Deco Markov
    1 review
    Amazing product!
    Jack Louvton
    1 review
    Robust and secure